Chapter eight

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Eren's POV****

"I bet you can't fit that in your mouth all at one time." I dared Jean who was dressed as a guy from that book about titans I told you about.

"I so can." Jean replied sure of himself as he eyed the huge peice of chocolate cake up and down.

"Do it then." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Fine." Jean said stubbornly before shoving the whole peice of cake in his mouth just as the girls, Armin and Connie came over.

"That is so gross." Mikasa and Sasha agreed.

"Dude that's awesome!" Connie practically worshiped the ground Jean was standing on.

"I left you guys for one minute! One minute!" Armin scolded us both as Jean struggled to actually swallow the cake.

Then I noticed Marco coming over dressed as Jesus due to his nickname, freckled jesus.

"Did you really just dare Jean to eat that whole peice of cake?" He asked.

"Yes?" I answered it coming out more like a question.

He sighed before turning to Jean and pointing at all the crumbs on his face,

"You might want to clean that up." He then smiled sweetly and left Jean shell shocked.

"Hey guys? Have you seen Levi?" I turned to my friends and Horseface.

"No. Why?" Mikasa asked.

"Just wondering." I replied looking around for him.

Levi's POV****

"Why won't you even consider joining the death eaters?! We have a good cause! We only want to get rid of anyone that isn't a pureblood!" Annie had somehow made her way into my dorm and was now using up my sleeping time.

"Because I don't want to." I answered like I always do rubbing my temples.

"What if I said you could make friends there? Actual real friends!" Annie told me that caught my attention.

"But I have Eren" I stated Eren was my friend, right?

She scoffed, "that Gryffindor? He just pity's you! If you join the death eaters you could make real friends!"

"Who needs friends anyway?! I spent my whole life without them since my parents killed them!" We were now yelling at each other and I was incredibly thankful that all the Slytherins were at the party.

"Your parents would notice you." Annie stated lowering her voice.

"Wait what?" I asked my voice becoming soft too.

"Your parents would definitely notice you. I mean they are two of Voldemorts top followers right?" She explained.

"I... I'll think about it..." thoughts where running through my head, would they really notice me? Could I actually have parents for once in my life?

"Good bye Levi I hope the next time we meet is you agreeing to join Voldemorts army." She then left with a small smile playing on her lips.

I closed the door with my brain going haywire,

I had never considered that my parents might stop ignoring me.

But I couldn't possibly join right?


Say if I did,

Annie said I could have friends,

Actual friends

She also said my parents would stop ignoring me


What if I became one of Voldemorts top followers would they be proud of me?

They'd never once been proud of me


Maybe I should sleep on it.

Yeah I'll sleep on it.

With that, I laid down on my bed not bothering to actually get under the covers and fell into a deep, dreamless slumber.

Eren's POV****

Why was I getting so worried about Levi?

I mean for all I know he could not want to see me,

He could be sleeping,

Or cleaning,

Or listening to music or something.

Yeah, so I should stop worrying.

I should just have some fun.

I stuck a smile on my face and walked over to where my friends (and horseface) where in a conversation about something or another.

"Hey guys 'whatcha 'talkin 'bout?" I asked taking a sip of the fruit punch that I had triple checked wasn't spiked.

"Nothing much." Sasha shrugged.

"Oh ok then. Mind if I join you talking about nothing?" I asked humorously.

"Sure Eren." Mikasa told me smiling through her cat face paint.

We lapsed onto a conversation about whether or not Jean was going to throw up later tonight due to all the cake and sweets he had consumed.

I was pretty sure he was going to puke later and Jean was sure he wasn't going to.

I say give him two hours and watch him up chuck whatever he ate today.

Armin thought he was going to puke and so did Mikasa and I.

But, Jean, Connie and Sasha where sure he wasn't going to.

Anyway we talked about that for a while later until it got to the point where even Connie, lord of all gross things, deemed it was to gross of a conversation to pursue.

After that I had went back to get snacks and drink refills as we watched Horseface and Freckled jesus dance to some weird wizard song.

After a while of sitting boredly at our table I got a idea,

"Mikasa, would you care to dance?" I bowed like some prince and stuck out my hand like they did in the movies.

"Of course, kind sir." Mikasa played along with my act as Connie followed my lead and asked Sasha to dance leaving Armin who had pulled out a book. Plus, dancing wasn't really Armin's thing.

We danced to three fast song and one slow song when we noticed people where starting to leave. So, we stopped dancing and gathered our things, it was pretty late at 12 o'clock and plus if I wanted to hang out with Levi tomorrow I'd need to be well rested.

We walked back to our dorms silently and walked in leaving Jean and Marco snogging outside the Gryffindor commen room. And I was pretty sure Jean wanted to go all gentleman like on Marco and walk him back to his dorm as if Marco was going to be beat up by thugs on the way there.

Yeah right! Has anyone ever seen Marcos death stare?

I have!

I didn't sleep for a month! (Ok that might be a little bit of an exaggeration but you get my point!)

Laying in bed after Jean had come back I realized something, I think I had a crush on Levi.

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