Chapter eighteen

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((This chapter is going to have a pretty big time skip it in sorry about that it's just my last few chapters have had no plot and are just there filling space.))

Time skip to summer vacation****

Eren's POV****

"So this is my house!" I introduced Levi, spreading my arms wide and walking backwards... until I walked into a wall...

"Tch." Levi smirked, amused.

"Oh shut up. C'mon I'll show you my room!" I recovered quickly before leading him to my bedroom.

My bedroom had navy blue walls and where covered in posters.

"Do you like it?" I asked Levi who was still gazing around my room.

"Yeah." He answered in awe. It's like he's never seen a bedroom.

"So what do you want to do first?" I asked plopping myself down on my bed.

He shrugged, "I don't care."

"That helps." I huffed in annoyance flopping onto my back staring at my ceiling.

A second later I felt Levi lie down next to me.

"What's it like having a normal family?" He asked after a minute.

"What do you mean?" I rolled over to face him.

"Parents that pay attention to you. What's that like?" He repeated slowly, turning on his side so we were around a inch apart.

"Sometimes you wish your parents didn't notice you." I laughed, "especially that time when I broke the front door."

"Now how did you manage that Jaeger?" Levi chuckled.

"Well you see, Armin, Mikasa and I were around 9 and we were playing this game I can't remember what we were doing but we ended up taking all the screws out of all the doors in the house." I laughed remembering the moment when my mom found out.

He raised a single, amused eyebrow and I continued.

"Oh! And this one time I almost burnt down the house because I stuck a nickel in the plug in!" We where now sitting up facing each other.

"Also, this one time Mikasa, Armin and I decided to run away but we weren't allowed to cross the road so we just walked up and down the road!

But once on my birthday my mom let Armin and I go camping! We went for a night until we thought we saw a bear and ran all the way back to my house! Then the next morning we found out the 'bear' was Mikasa! She was just mad she wasn't invited!

Once I jumped off the roof." I nodded my head remembering that.

"Why?" Levi asked obviously interested.

"Well Armin had just gotten stitches and I thought they looked cool so I jumped off my roof, split my head open (luckily my roof isn't that high!) I had to get my head shaved and get like 5 stitches! I also broke my arm and ankle! It was such a stupid idea!" I explained now clutching my sides.

Levi looked at me, looked down, shook his head then his body started shaking with silent laughter.

"A- alright your turn with child hood stories!" I managed to get out with out choking on laughter.

"Once I went mute. I thought my parents would maybe I notice. They didn't.

Another time I fell of the top of the landing in my house.

I do have one funny childhood story though.

One time, my childhood best friends, Isabelle, Farlan and I decided we wanted to start a gang. Isabelle had the most friends but none of them wanted to join so we called ourselves the triangle!" He confessed.

"Oh... my... god! You did that??" I was struggling to breathe due to the fact I now sounded like a dying hyena.

"Yeah. I wasn't the... most normal kid ever." He looked down embarrassed.

"Aw, now I want to see kid Levi!" I pouted playfully.

"Well I have exactly 0.0 pictures. Hanji might have some... I've never seen them but she might..." He told me and I fake pouted once more,

"But I wanna them now!!" I flopped down onto my back managing to hit my head of the wall.

"Ow..." I rubbed the back of my head and glared at the wall.

Once I turned my head back I noticed Levi was holding back hysterics,

"You Ok brat?" He asked first.

"Yep." I replied wondering what was coming next.

"Ok good." And then he died of laughter.

"It wasn't that funny!" I protested humorously.

"Yes- it- it was!" He replied.

Once he had stopped I told him with out thinking,

"You should laugh more, it suits you." Both our faces turned bright red and we turned away from the each other.

"Sorry." I apologized after we had both gotten our faces back to a normal shade.

"It's fine... brat." He accepted.

"So what do you normally do over summer break?" I asked him curiously.

He froze slightly and tugged at his hoodie sleeves before saying,

"Nothing usually."

"Well that sounds boring." I deducted.

"It is." He nodded thoughtfully.

"We should have a campfire sometime." I suddenly said.

"I've never had a campfire... unless you count the time I almost set myself on fire." Levi told me thoughtfully.

"How did you...?" I began.

"Candles. Don't play with fire. Or knives. Both are bad." He concluded in short.

I nodded before continuing,

"Well we should. And we could make smores! The trick is to use a peanut butter Reese cup instead of regular chocolate. Although if you do use regular chocolate it takes super good of you add Nutella." I gave him some tips.

"What's Nutella?" He asked confused.

I gasped dramatically,


He shook his head.


Then I grabbed his hand and dragged him downstairs.

Grabbing a spoon and a jar of almost all- gone Nutella and created the holy object of Nutella on a spoon.

"Try it." I ordered and he looked at it warily,

"I'm not gonna get food poisoning am I?"

"No! Now try it!"

He took the spoon reluctantly and stuck it in his mouth,


"Mmhmm now you've tried Nutella! Do you like it??" I asked jumping slightly.

"Yes!" He said after he had finished.

"Good. Because if you didn't we could no longer be friends!" I told him jokingly.

This was going to be the best summer.

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