Chapter six

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Levi's POV****

I woke up the next morning discovering a asleep Eren on the other side of me with his arms lazily wrapped around my waist.

Blushing like mad, I untangled his arms from my waist and quickly got ready for the day.

I left with Eren still asleep.

I didn't have the guts to wake him up.

When I got to my first class, Transfiguration, I took a seat at my normal place at the back and watched as Eren walked in rubbing his eyes, obviously still tired.

Once he saw me he smiled widely and took a seat next to me.

"Hey Levi? Sorry for falling asleep in your dorm." Eren apologized.

"Pourquoi ne pouvez - vous me faire rougir si facilement?" I spoke in french (translation: why can you make me blush so easily?)

Eren looked beyond confused,

"So you speak gibberish now too?"

"No brat, it's french." I answered.

"Oh, what did you say?" He questioned curiously.

"Nothing." I replied and then thank god, professor McGonagall walked in and started her lesson.

The lesson ended after a while and I headed out with Eren tagging along with me. I had no idea if he even had the same schedule as me but honestly, I didn't care much I enjoyed his presence.

I sighed knowing I should care whether or not he was going to the right class so I turned around and asked,

"Do you even have the same classes as me today?"

"Yeah," He answered "today we have all the same classes. You just don't usually notice me since I usually sit on the other side of the classroom with the Gryffindors."

"Ok then." I replied as we lapsed into a comfortable silence.

The rest of the day went like that, we went to class, left class then walked to our next one. Overall it was the best day I've had in a long time.

We were in the middle of a conversation back in my dorm because we had just finished our lessons.

"Eren, je le bèguin pour vous" I told him once again speaking in french. (Translation: Eren I have a crush on you)

"What?" Eren asked not understanding my french.

"Nothing. It doesn't matter." I told him and Eren started talking about a book he'd read again.

He had just finished telling me about how I should read it when there was a knock on my door.

I walked over a opened the door slightly revealing Annie.

"No." I answered before even letting her ask.

With that I closed the door in her face and lid back down next to a very confused Eren.

"Who was that?" Eren asked.

"Someone wanting me to part take in some survey." I lied. I felt really bad about lying to him but what was I supposed to say? 'Oh it was just Annie asking me to become a Death Eater for the fourth time this week' yeah he would totally still want to hang out with me after that.

"Hey Levi? Did I ever tell you about how I want to become a Auror when I grow up?" He asked like a excited child.

"No." I answered.

"Well, I want to become a auror so I can destroy all the death eaters. Because, well, my dad was killed by death eaters and so now I want to get revenge. And I know it's bad to want revenge and stuff, but still. It really sucks growing up without a dad." He explained. I simply nodded keeping quiet about my parents being Death eaters.

Eren finished talking and looked down at his watch,

"Well, I should get going. See you later Levi." Eren waved goodbye as he left my dorm.

Once he left I pulled out my homework and started working.

Around 2 hours later I had finished all my homework and decided maybe I should try sleeping tonight. I mean I slept well last night, right?

So, I got into pajamas consisting of sweat pants and a old baggy t-shirt.

I lid down and...

Nope. Sleep is not a option.

As I was lying awake staring at my ceiling that I am pretty sure I just saw a peice of dust on, Eren popped into my head.

Stop it brain. There's no way he likes you. He's straight remember? Plus who would actually like you?

Still I could fantasize, right?

I thought about his hair and his eyes oh my god his eyes. Also his laugh. His laugh was perfect. And he was adorable in a idiotic kind of way. Also he had a amazing taste in music. And was 100% sure he was straight. Great Levi just great you have a crush on a guy that will never like you.

Ugh maybe I can just get over the crush. That's a good idea. I'll try that.

Still he was really....

Stop it Levi! What happened to getting over the crush?

Well maybe it will go away on its own if I just ignore it?

Yeah totally.

"C'mere Brat." I whispered aloud to my cat.

Brat walked over and jumped up on my bed curling up under the covers then falling asleep.

Lucky cat.

Eren's POV****

Maybe I should learn french....

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