Chapter fifteen

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I took a long shower once we had arrived at Carla's house.

Once I had gotten out I noticed she had left some of Eren's clothes outside the door.

Putting them on not bothering to see what they looked like I dried my hair and headed downstairs to find Eren's mother laying food out for me making me realize how hungry I was.

My eyes flicked to hers silently asking if I could eat the sandwiches.

She nodded smiling as I sat down and started stuffing my face. I was to hungry to even care of I got my face dirty.

"So what happened to you Levi?" She asked once I had finished.

"Well, my parents are in this wizard secret society thing. My parents left me there and allowed me to be tortured." I explained in short.

Carla gasped before asking,

"Can I see?"

I nodded silently before taking of my shirt and revealing all the scars along with that death eater mark.

"What's that?" Carla asked upon seeing the mark.

"I joined the group thinking my parents would start acting like parents. In short they didn't." I replied hanging my head at how stupid I was.

"Did it hurt?" Carla questioned.

"Yes." I breathed pushing back the memories.

"Levi you can stay here until you feel up to going back to school. Although I do have a question for you." She told me.

"What is it?" I replied curiously.

"The first time I saw you was when you and Eren had almost kissed under that mistletoe. Did you kiss him when you returned to school? And do you love him?" She asked me as she poured me a glass of tea.

"No I didn't kiss him. I'm not brave. But yes. I do love Eren." I told her softly awaiting her reaction.

A small smile crept onto her lips before she exploded,

"Well then tell him! You know after he saw you on Christmas break he wouldn't shut up about you! He was just like a teenage girls with a crush!" She laughed.

I chuckled at that,

"Really? What did he say?" I asked her.

"He kept talking about your peircings! Then he wondered if you had any tattoos! Then he told me how adorable you are when you smile oh! Also how he was the first one to make you laugh in years!" She told me both of us laughing now.

"I didn't know he like me that much..." I trailed of once we had stopped laughing.

"But?" She crossed her arms.

"But he hates the group that I stupidly joined. And he'd hate me of he found out. Also if the man that controls the group found out about Eren he'd kill him. I don't want Eren to die because I'm an idiot." I explained softly.

"Hey, if it's meant to be everything will be fine. Just if you hurt him just so you know I will make you wish you never tried to escape that place." She said dead serious.

"I'd never intentionally hurt him unless I was trying to keep him safe by avoiding him." I assured her.

She nodded thoughtfully before asking,

"Levi, do you want a tattoo?"

"Yeah actually." I said unsure of where this was going.

"Hmm. Do you want to go get one?"

"Wait what?!"

"Do you want to go get a tattoo?" She repeated herself as I'd it was obvious what she just asked.

"But you- tattoo's are expensive!" I replied. I mean heck yes I wanted a tattoo but she didn't have to pay for it!

"Well I gotta make sure my son's future husband has at least one tattoo!"

My face turned redder then a fire truck.

"O- ok" I stuttered as she lead me to a tattoo parlor.

Tattoo parlor~~~~

I had described the tattoo I wanted to the tattoo artist as well as I could and he nodded in understanding.

He soon told me to take of my shirt and lay down on this bench thing.

Putting on his gloves I'm glad needles don't bother me because the needle he was using was pretty big.

"Ready?" He asked before getting started.

Time skip cuz I'm lazy****

After three hours of getting wierd looks because of my scars he had finally finished.

Standing up, (a/n BTW I know Levi is only like 14 at this time let's just say it's cuz Carla's there he was able to get a tattoo k? K) I twisted in front of the mirror to get a good look at my new tattoo. (Pic on top)

I can't lie I loved it.

We left after paying and saying thanks to the artist, we decided to stop at a resturant and eat there.

We ate comfortably mostly talking about Eren and my new tattoo.

Once we got back to her house I went upstairs and managed to get around five hours of sleep.

Sorry guys, just a filler chapter to make you guys feel better after all the stuff that's happening.

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