Chapter 12

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Levi's POV****

Where ever the heck they held death eater meetings (I had no idea where I was) it was fricken filthy. Everything, and I mean everything was covered with at least three layers of dirt, dust and over all grime.

In short, it was Disguisting.

"What do you think Levi?" My father asked standing in line with the fellow death eaters and putting on the apparently mandatory mask. My mother did the same but gave me a encouraging smile.

"Um it's..." I scoffed my shoe on the floor trying to cover up my urge to throw up all content in my stomach.

"Cool." I finished as Voldemort- I think his name is- walked in.

"Levi Ackerman are you prepared to join my esteemed group of loyal followers?" Voldemort asked. From what I'm getting Voldemorts a huge drama queen.

"I guess." I crossed my arms and played off as my usual non- caring self.

"Give me your arm." Voldemort commanded I gave him my arm and he put his wand on it.

Suddenly searing hot pain went up my arm as a mark was branded into my skin.

I bit my lip, drawing blood so I wouldn't scream.

There was no way I was going to scream in front of these filthy brats.

A few minutes more of enduring the torture it was finished and I know had the death eater mark on my arm. Guess that rules out t-shirts, I couldn't let Eren see. He'd hate me. He'd kill me.

"On to the preparations for the attack on the filthy Muggle world." Voldemort announced.

Alright dude I know the Muggle world is filthy but at least it's better then this place. Although that doesn't take a lot of doing.

I wanted to say that out loud so bad.

But I didn't. Mostly because I didn't want to die.

"Ackerman's follow me into the room." Voldemort commanded "everyone else i dont care, make yourselves useful."

I followed alongside my parents as I was lead into a room that was even worse then the main area.

The room was dank and grey and looked like a prison. It also had at least a inch of sewer water on the floor also mold seemed to be growing in every possible surface.

Then I was pushed in the cell. I landed in the water on my knees and I felt my pants rip more then they already were.

And then Voldemort yelled at me,

"Crucio!" My skin shuddered as sudden wracks of pain shot up my back.

This was horrible. It felt as if someone was poking me with white hot pokers.

I fell on my hands and knees once the pain dulled slightly and breathed heavily.

"Crucio!" He yelled over and over again until I wanted to beg him to kill me.

"J- just kill me if you want to brat!" I spat through the pain and suffering my body was going through.

With that he gave me a small smirk and called someone in who brought with him a cart of tools, and chains.

Voldemort walked slowly into the cell and grabbed my wrists, chaining them to the wall.

Then he grabbed a sharp looking knife and admired it while saying,

"I may hate Muggles and mud bloods, but I am quite fond of their torture lessons. I once took a small course on them before using them on my fellow students."

(A/n gets kinda graphic from here)

He them suck the knife into my thigh then yanking out and shoving it into my other leg.

Already my legs were bleeding heavily and I was going dizzy from blood loss but I knew he wasn't done yet.

My mind flew over to the topic of my parents while he grabbed another knife.

Why weren't they stopping this? I may be a first time son, but I'm 99.9% sure this is against the laws of parenting.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Voldemort stabbed my with a long knife in the stomach.

He then took back out his wand leaving the knife where it was and muttered a spell,

"Now however much I torture you you won't die." He seethed.

He then took another knife and slashed me across the chest many times making me cough blood on his robes.

He stabbed me again for that.

I was in so much pain I didn't know how to deal.

Let me tell you, I've been in pain like that time I ran into a gang on the street and they didn't stop beating me until I was covered in black and blue bruises.

I screamed as he made more slashes on my chest before removing the chains and turning around so my bare back was facing him.

He took the same knife, now crusty with blood and slashed me over and over on the back.

(Goryness over)

This went on for hours and hours until my parents and Voldemort left, leaving me chained in the cell.

I laid leant the back of my head against the wall (they flipped him back over) I could practically feel my back wounds getting infected.

My jeans were soaked from the water on the floor and my hair and face were grimy with dirt and sweat.

How many day was in before I could go back to Hogwarts?

With that I fell into a uncomfortable, restless sleep.

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