Chapter four

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Eren's POV****

I haven't seen Levi all weekend. And even though I had only met him a few days ago I was kind of nervous.

So my plan was to sneak down to the Slytherins dorms and visit Levi. How hard could it be?

Time skip****

Oh my god I think 3 people have seen me. Although none of them actually asked me what I was doing or even how I got in (honestly I just asked the picture and it let me in saying something about Erei being real?) I was currently on my way to Levi's dorm which some Slytherin told me was just done the hall.

So I'm standing in front of his door debating whether or not I should knock or just go in.

I should probably knock.

Levi looks like a private kind of person.

Gathering my remaining courage I knock twice.

I stood there for a few seconds and he didn't answer.

I knocked again. Nothing.

I opened the door to find Levi passed out on his bed wearing pajama pants, a oversized hoodie and fuzzy socks he also had a pair of chunky headphones on and had a cat sleeping nestled on his arms.

I smiled slightly at the scene knowing I'd never see Levi looking so vulnerable again.

I walked in quietly and grabbed a blanket that was on the foot of his bed and threw it over him and the cat.

Next I removed his headphones to find he was blasting this is how I disappear by my chemical romance.

I smiled softly at his sleeping figure again before leaving his room.

I'll visit him again tomorrow.

I snuck out of his room and just walked back to the Gryffindor commen room where Armin, Jean, Jeans boyfriend Marco that I'm sure is actually in Hufflepuff, Connie and Sasha where talking and giggling occasionally about something or another.

"Oh hey Eren, where were you?" Armin asked once he noticed I was in the room.

"Nowhere." I replied way to quickly.

He soo knows I was up to something.

I mentally face palm.

"Well I'm just gonna go upstairs now bye!" I laughed nervously before bolting full speed up the stairs and let me tell you I'm a fast runner our quiddetch coach makes us run laps.

Once I get up to my dorm I notice it was 9 o'clock so I pull out my homework and start working.

Two hours later I had finished my homework. So I got up changed into pajamas then went to sleep.

Levi's POV****

I woke up the next morning at 9 am thankful for the sleep I had the day before and last night.

I was about to get up when I noticed that my headphones where placed on my nightstand, the music was paused and there was a blanket on me. I don't remember doing any of this.

Eh, it must have been Hanji or Erwin.

Getting up, I got dressed in a pair of black jeans, my black combat boots, white dress shirt thing and the rest of my slytherin uniform. Next I brushed my teeth and did all that hygiene stuff.

I was just about to start reading the new book Erwin had given me when I heard a knock on my dorm. Getting up I walked over to the door to find no other then Eren Jaeger at my door.

"Yes?" I asked in my usual emotionless voice.

"Hey I just wanted to talk. All my friends are off studying... well except Sasha I'm pretty sure she's off raiding the kitchens again... but anyway! I don't have anyone to talk to." He explained.

"Why do you want to hang out with me of all people?" I asked him.

Honestly I had no idea, I was boring, I didn't express any emotions, I didn't talk very often and I certainly didn't tell him my life story that would definitely make him want to stop hanging around with me.

While I was thinking I realized Eren had been listing reasons of why not to hang out with me.

"And last you have good taste in music." He concluded his statement that I only heard a sentence

Eren's POV****

"Fine. if you mess anything up I will personally skin you alive."

Again I had no idea if he was being sarcastic or not.

Back to Levi's POV****

I let him into my dorm and he took a seat on my freshly made bed.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked taking a seat on the foot of my bed.

"Well personally I'd like to know more about you but I know that's not very likely." He told me as Brat jumped up into my lap then curling up and falling asleep.

Lazy cat.

Eren's POV****

(There will be a lot of POV changes in this chapter)

I watched as he looked down at the cat that I'm assuming he owned, with a almost smile maybe I could get him to smile at me...



"This is my cat." He started maybe he'll actually tell me about his life. "Her name is Brat and she's the closest thing I have to a friend."

That was kind of sad... how many secrets does Levi actually have?

"My favorite color is green and I can play the piano and guitar." He told me then stopped talking as if he was debating on whether or not to keep talking.

Then, to my surprise he started talking again,

"My favorite class is Defense against the dark arts and I'd like to be a Muggle teacher when I grow up. Also I'm head of all my classes." He stopped once again obviously having a mental debate again.

"And I recently found out that there are little tiny organisms in you eyelashes." He concluded making me do a double take on his last statement,

"Wait what?" I asked.

"Yeah weird right?" He ask leaning back onto his bed as Brat curled up on his chest.

"So you just randomly found this out?" I asked making sure I had itit right.

"Hanji blame Hanji." He answered.

"You sound like you know Hanji personally?" I prompted leaning back with him so my head was next to his.

"Yeah. Her and Erwin.... they mean a lot to me..." He stated sadly.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Nothing. It's nothing. What have you been up to lately?" He changed the topic quickly.

"Nothing really just same old same old. Although I do have a Quiddetch game coming up." I told him.

"Against what house?" Levi asked.

"Hufflepuff." I answered simply. We lapsed into silence after that. It wasn't akward silence though it was a comfortable silence where we both just enjoyed the others presence, well at least that's what I hoped Levi was feeling.

Around half a hour later I was getting up to tell Levi I was leaving when I realized he had fallen asleep.

You know he looks really c-

No he doesn't! Why are you thinking that?!

I tossed the same blanket over him once again and quietly left.

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