Chapter seven

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Eren's POV****

It had been a week since I had hung out with Levi and to be honest I missed him.

I mean, I saw him in class but he looked horrible and he practically ignored everyone around him. I think his insomnia was acting up.

On the bright side, Halloween was coming up and we had a few days off which I planned on spending hanging out with Levi.

I don't know why I cared about Levi so much but I did.

Maybe it was because we're friends?

Yeah. That was it. Definitely.

At the moment I'm talking to Armin when he asked this question,

"Hey Eren? Do you like Levi?"

I thought for a moment before replying,

"Well, yeah I like him. We're friends."

"No. No, I mean do you like like him?" Armin rephrased.

My face turned the color of a tomato. Did I? I mean I did care for him a lot...

Play it cool Eren.

"N-no why would you think that?" I laughed nervously while akwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well you have been spending a lot of time with him lately." Armin explained.

I have haven't I...

Maybe I do like him...

That's ridiculous! You like girls remember?

"I don't like him! We're just friends!" I stated.

"Mmhmm." Armin said disbelievingly.

"It's true!" I insisted.

"Ok. Ok. Hey do you want to go shopping for costumes tomorrow?" He asked. "I heard Dumbledore was throwing a Halloween party."

"Yeah sure." I answered him feeling almost excited for the party.

Levi's POV****

Should I go to the Halloween party?

It involves being social and being forced to talk to idiots.

But I would get to see Eren dressed up...

But remembe! Idiots will be there! Petra might even be there!

Maybe I could go as a Rockstar and put in all my Peircings.

In reality I had snake bites, my eyebrow peirced, my ears and my nose. I just didn't put them in at school.

I could even flip all my hair to one side.

You know what maybe I'll go as a vampire or something.

Or I could just not go.

Or that...

Maybe I won't go.

I mean the only person that would bother to talk to me would be Eren and even then his own friends would be there and want them to hang out with them.

Yeah I don't think I'll go.

I'll just read and listen to music all night.

Perfect that doesn't even involve human interaction.

Also maybe I could get the first wink of sleep in 7 days.

Yeah, lately my insomnia has been acting up. And you can imagine just how fun that is.

I'll even go to the library to go get a few books for the night of the party.

Getting up I swung on my robe and left for the library not speaking a word to anyone.

After what seemed like forever, I finally arrived at the library.

Giving a quick nod to the librarian I walked over to the small collection of Muggle books Hogwarts had managed to acquire.

Picking out mostly Steven King novels I found a book about titans invading the earth or something? Adding that to the pile I checked them out and went back to my dorm.

The weekend of the party****

Eren's POV****

"EREN HURRY UP WE NEED TO GO GET OUR COSTUMES!!" Armin yelled at me for the fifth...? Time I think. It would be a lot easier to actually leave of I could find my bloody wallet!

Looking some more I squated down to look under my bed and there it was, collecting dust in all its glory, was my Muggle style wallet holding both my Muggle money and wizard money.

"COMING!" I yelled back at Armin running down the stairs.

Armin had on casual clothes of jeans and a sweater whereas I had on a pair of black jeans, my MCR hoodie and my black worn out converses.

As we walked outside I had to admit autumn was beautiful but my favorite was still Germany's winters. Me and my mother would huddle around the fire and drink cocoa and read books until the storm was over.

"So, what do you want to be?" Armin asked me breaking me out of my daydreams of Germany.

"I was thinking a vampire or a Rockstar or something like that." I replied.

"You should be a vampire we could get you those super realistic fangs and fake blood and stuff." Armin told me.

"Sure. What are you going to be?" I agreed.

"Um, I was thinking a zombie or a mummy." Armin admitted.

"Ohhh! You should be a mummy!" I laughed slightly.

"Fine." Armin gave in not bothering to hold in his obvious smile.

With that was went to the nearest costume shop to get our costumes.

After coming out of the shop we decided to got to the three broomsticks for some butter beer.

Walking into the shop we found our table and set our bags down next to us.

"I'll go order?" I asked.

"Yeah just a butter beer please." Armin told me.

"Yeah sure." I answered walking up to the the ordering part of the place.

"What can I get you kid?" The bartender asked gruffly.

"Two butter beers, please." I ordered politely.

"Sure thing kid." The bartender then poured up two gigantic mugs of butter beer that looked really good. I quickly paid before thanking the bartender and heading back over to Armin.

I placed the huge mug in front of Armin and we both drank our butter beers idly talking about small things such as school and our home lives and whether or not we were excited for the party tomorrow night.

I had to say I was excited to that question. I mean who wouldn't be? You got to dress up, hang out with your friends and eat sweets basically all night. It was especially going to be fun since Dumbledore allowed us to have it in the ball room that I didn't even know we had.

So yeah, you could say I was excited.

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