Chapter 13

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(Sorry that so much is in Levi's POV it's just Levi's going through some deep shiz)

Levi's POV****

Whip whip whip

The whip that one of the many death eaters that have tortured me in the last few days was holding smacked against my back.

"Ugh." I let out a small grunt as a particularly painful smack was hit against my back.

"Oh look! he speaks!" The death eater snarled.

"Oh look! A pig! Oh wait never mind, it's just you" I snarled hack sarcastically.

He whipped me harder.

The same thoughts buzzed through my head at a exhausted stream,

I have to get out. I have to get out I have to get out. They need to at least stop.

"Oi! Charles! Apparently the kids got school tomorrow lay easy on the face! Actually don't! Hit him as hard as you want!" A mess anger shouted at my torturer, Charles apparently.

"Got it!" Charles yelled back and hit me harder.

He finished off with a few kicks and punch to the face and chest. I was sure I had at least one broken rib and three bruises on my face.

Great now I have to explain this.

Or I could just... ignore them all like I used to...


It would keep him safe...

The army wouldn't be able to hurt him...

I have to ignore him...

I have to....

"Oi shorty! What are you thinking about?!" One of the guards that was bringing me back to my cell yelled at me.

"How ugly your faces must be if Voldemort makes you where masks" I retaliated.

Once again, I was hit.

I should stop being so sarcastic.

Haha, nice one brain.

I was thrown into my cell and landed on my hands and knees, skinning my hands.

"Get some rest kid, you have school tomorrow." A death eater told me almost nicely. Almost.

I leant up against the wall closing my eyes and got fell asleep.


"I hate you! You're a monster!" Eren yelled at me.

"You freak why would you join them??" Hanji joined in.

"You really are a idiot Levi!" Erwin told me, snarling.

I took off after that down a street.

Tripping I realized I was only in a room.

Hanji, Erwin and Eren where no longer there but there were dark shadow creatures dancing on the walls and hands reaching out towards my legs...

My eyes snapped open and quickly adjusted to the blackness of my cell, breathing heavily, I rejoiced silently that it was just a dream.

What time was it?

They should have put a clock in here.

They also should have given me food. I'm on the verge of starving to death.

Really though why isn't there a clock in here?

What's my plan for ignoring everyone?

I should really make a plan.

Well just whenever I see him walk the other way.


But what if he knocks on my door?

I just won't open it.

How will I know it's him?

How about I just spend all my time either in my room or in class. Never socializing.


I can't believe I'm doing this...

I know that Annie will be watching me so if I talk to Eren she'll tell my parents who will tell Voldemort who will kill or torture Eren.

I don't want to put him through what my parents put me through.

And that's the moment I realized I loved him...

I love Eren Jaeger....

I can't love him. I won't let myself. I won't hurt him.

(This is the cheeseyest thing I've ever written but I hope you guys like it)

With that I laid my head against the wall and fell asleep.

~~~~~the next morning~~~~~~


I was woken up by someone throwing a bucket of filthy water on my face,

"Wake up shorty your 'goin to school." The death eater said.

"Really? I never would have guessed." I grumbled sarcastically while getting up.

I walked out to where who I'm guessing where my parents (they had masks on).

I didn't say anything while we apparated well, they apparated us home. I also didn't say anything we I packed what I needed. Sadly, the death eaters had completely crushed all my earings and nose rings and other things for my Peircings.

They then apparated to the train station where they left as soon as I was on my feet.

I got in a empty compartment making sure that Eren or anyone else didn't see me.

The train ride was a long and boring one that I spent most of reading.

I got off the train pulling my luggage. Since I hadn't eaten for a very long time I was very light and weak which in short, made me feel awful.

Once I got into Hogwarts I immediately I heard,

"Wassup Ravioli?!" From Hanji.

I ignored her and went to my dorm not bothering to come to the feast.

Flicking on the lights in my room I found Annie sitting on my bed,

"What do you want?" I stated plainly.

"I heard you joined the death eaters. I also heard he totured you. How was that?" She asked tauntingly.

"And I should tell you because?" I replied.

"Because you're one of us now." She smirked and left.

Closing my door I locked it. Then I started cleaning and unpacking.

Around two hours later I heard a knock at the door,

"Levi you in there?!" Eren's familiar voice called out from behind the door.

"Levi? Open up!" He knocked again. I once again ignored him.

"Levi I know you're in there!"



"Why won't you let me in?" The door know twisted back and forth as Eren realized it was locked.

I'm so sorry Eren...

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