Chapter Twenty one

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(So sorry i haven't updated in forever!! Wow this book is going to have a lot of chapters)

Eren's POV****

I walked in on Hanji throwing socks at at cleaning Levi while yelling,

"You're a free elf! Go socialize!"

"I'm not a elf! And who would I socialize with anyway?!" Levi snapped back.

They obviously hadn't noticed I was there yet.

"Oh I don't know, Eren maybe?!" Hanji replied making me have to stifle a giggle.

"He's probably off doing something."

"Why don't you ask him?" I ask finally letting them now I was in the room.

"Well are you?" Levi asked crossing his arms.

"Actually yeah, I'm going to Hogsmeade with Mikasa. I'm only here because I heard someone say you two where arguing."

That is so not true.

Yeah I admit it, I missed him. But I wasn't going to admit that!

"Oh." Hanji said akwardly.

"Well have fun." Levi told me as unemotional as always before going back to cleaning.

I looked around the room, "Yeah you too."

Smiling at him slightly I left the room.

Levi's POV****

"Stop cleaning." Hanji told me firmly as soon as she was sure Eren was a good distance away.

"What, why?" I asked confused.

"We're going to Hogsmeade." She answered as if it was obvious.

Once again I ask, "why?"

"To spy on Eren! Why else?!" She laughed.

"What?! No!"

"You know you want to." Hanji tried.

"Well yeah but what if he finds out?!"

"He won't!" Hanji stated.

"...fine..." I agreed reluctantly.

"Yay!" Hanji squealed.

We walked out of my dorm and managed to get a carriage alone.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Hanji?" I questioned anxiously.

"When have I ever been wrong?" Hanji asked.

I opened my mouth,

"Never mind don't answer that." She decided against that question.

"Exactly." I said.

"Think about it this way," Hanji started. "We're not spying on him, we're.... watching over him without him knowing."

"That's stalking Hanji. It's even worse." I crossed my arms starting to regret ever even letting Hanji into my room this morning.

Hanji huffed, "We're not staking, we're investigating!"

"Ah." I raised a eyebrow, "that makes me feel so much better."

****time skip to Hogsmeade****

Ariving at Hogsmesde we got out of the carriage and soon spotted Eren and Mikasa who where making their way (a/n downtown walking fast "senpai!" Walking faster!!) Down to the three broom sticks.

"C'mon!" Hanji whispered excitedly and we scurried after Eren.

We sat at a table in the three broomsticks making sure that Eren didn't spot us as we stealthily watched the two drink butter beer and laugh (Well, Eren laugh Mikasa only smiled).

A few minutes later they left the establishment and walked back out into the snowy streets.

We followed them around a while more until Mikasa left Eren to go do something (at least that's what I'm assuming all I saw was her leaving).

And then Hanji pushed me.

Being on the ice I slipped around until I knocked into Eren and we both fell onto the icey ground.

I was on top of Eren with my nose touching his and his frosty breath blowing into my face. His eyes were slightly started but they also held a hint of apprehension. Under normal circumstances I probably would have savored this moment. Instead my I felt heat rushing up to my face as I scrambled off him.

"I- um- sorry." I stumbled over my words, embarks mentioned creeping into my voice.

"What are you doing here? I thought you would stay at Hogwarts Levi." Eren asked looking like a highly confused puppy.

"Hanji convinced me to come. She said I needed to get out more." I answered, my voice going back to its regular emotionless facade.

"Oh cool." He nodded and we lapsed into akward silence while Mikasa appeared.

"Hey Eren..." She greeted noticing me.

I just kind of stood there.

Nice Levi nice because that's not weird at all.

"Well I should go find Hanji. Bye Brat." I turned around waving absent mindedly when really my brain was replaying how akward that was over and over and over.

"I'm not a brat!" Eren called after me, causing me to smirk happily.

I found Hanji in the pet store looking at what looked like a strange crossbreed of a cat and a dog.

Needless to say, she was fascinated.

"Hanji, wanna explain why you pushed me into Eren?" I crossed my arms allowing my annoyance to show on my face.

Hanji froze, "...would you believe me if I said it was a accident...?"

"No, not particularly." I replied.

"Ok fine! I thought maybe your relationship needed a little... push so I ya know... pushed you. Did it work?" She explained.

"No! It resulted into a very akward conversation!" I snapped at her, getting a few strange stares seeing as we where still in the pet shop.

"Well C'mon, we have more investigating to do!" She says grabbing my wrist while dragging me out of the pet shop to go find Eren.

We found Eren again and I decided to stand behind Hanji so she couldn't push me.

Probably a smart move.

Not that I didn't mind being on top of Eren it's just... I'd rather not be put in another embarrassing situation.

We followed them around the rest of the day watching as they went to the book store (which I got a book from), the candy shop, pretty much every other shop in Hogsmeade before lining up with the other students.

Once again Hanji and I managed to snag a carriage by our selves.

"Well that was fun." Hanji said Sighing happily as she took a seat on the other seat, across from me.

"You really are crazy aren't you four eyes?" I crossed my arms and allowed my self to smirk in amusement.

"To be intelligiant you have to be a little insane." She replied smiling because she knew she was right.

I smirked back but then it hit me,

Where Mikasa and Eren on a date?

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