Chapter nineteen

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Levi's POV****

"C'mon! Mom just started the fire!" Eren yelled at the top of his lungs.

I had been at Eren's house for two months and we were having our first campfire.

I was kind of excited.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming." I put down the book I had been reading and walked out to the dark backyard where Eren and his mom where standing.

"Excited Levi?" Carla asked smirking, causing me to think she had something planned.

"Yeah. I guess." I replied.

Eren elbowed me and laughed,

"Duh he's excited!"

Carla laughed slightly and muttered something to herself.

I squinted at her making sure she knew I was suspicious of her.

She shrugged back innocently.

Needless to say, Carla had a plan.

She lit the fire and Eren and I sat on a bench love seat thing while Carla sat on a chair across from us.

"Do you like it?" Eren asked me after a while.

"As you said, Duh!" I replied, he laughed and lid his head on my shoulder. I stiffened before slowly relaxing and allowing it to happen.

Then I noticed Carla's smirk and I stared her down silently asking her what she was planning.

She replied with a sly wink.

I gave her a look that said, 'that doesn't answer my question.'

She replied with a 'you'll just have to wait to find out.'

I relaxed once again as the fire slowly died down.

It was around 12 when the fire finally stopped and we all got up grabbing pillows and blankets from our seats. I had three pillows in my arms and I was shivering heavily when I felt Eren toss the quilt over my shoulders.

"You looked cold." He smirked.

"Tch no I wasn't." I denied as we walked inside.

"Aw was little Levi cold?" Eren cooed in a baby voice.

"I'm not little." I grumbled putting down the pillows and wrapping the quilt tighter around my body because I was still cold.

"Ok you're not little..." Eren snickered before continuing, "you're just short."

"Am not!" I retaliated quickly.

"Are too!" Eren replied.

"I'm not short!" I told him stubbornly.

"Yes you are!" Eren laughed.

I scowled under my breath as I noticed Eren's mom watching us, amused.

"What?" Eren asked looking around.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Eren quickly

"Yeah sure." I agreed easily.

He then grabbed my wrist tightly and dragged me up to his bedroom.

Once we got to his bedroom he slammed his lips onto mine. Lol no just kidding this is what actually happened.

Once we got to his bedroom I sat on his bed still wrapped in the quilt he had thrown around my shoulders while he rummaged through a box of what I was assuming was his movies.

After he had picked out a movie he stuck it into the DVD player and sat down next to me.

Suddenly I felt a cold breeze and grabbed the quilt around myself tighter.

"Are you still cold?" Eren asked obviously noticing.

"...yes..." I grumbled reluctantly.

"Awe that's adorable!" Eren gushed.

My face went bright red and I looked away, then I noticed his face was red to.

"Um ah- you know - let's just watch the movie." Eren stuttered quickly turning back to the screen.

Time skip****

The credits rolled when I noticed Eren's head was resting on my shoulder and that he had fallen asleep.

When Eren had said I looked adorable then got all flustered was it... Possible Eren loved me back?


That's impossible.

Who would - could possibly love me.

I'm trash.

I'm a freak.

Sighing, I sat there before I felt my eyes grow heavy and my head roll to the side.

Time skip****

I woke up to pitch black.

Just like my nights in the cell.

My eyes widened and I started shaking and biting my lip refraining from letting out a large sob.

I didn't want to wake Eren. He'd ask what was wrong and I'd have to make up some stupid excuse.

But then I heard him shift in his sleep and slowly wake up.

"Levi...? Why is it dark?"

Let me just say, Eren's morning - well not really morning but sleepy voice is adorable in a hot kinda way.

"Um- I - I'm not sure." I stuttered.


"Are you... Shaking?" He questioned next. I felt him sit up slowly.

"N- no." I replied.

"Levi. What's wrong? And don't lie and say your fine. I know you." Eren demanded.

"You know last winter? Well I um-" I started then decided to leave out the part of stupidly joining the death eaters.

"I got kidnapped by death eaters and they tortured me." I heard him draw In a sharp breath.

"They kept me in a dark disgusting cell and now the dark scares me. It reminds me of my times there."

"Oh my god..." Eren gasped obviously shocked. I just stared at my hands being very thankful that he couldn't see my face.

"yeah." I agreed after a minute.

"That must have sucked." Eren deduced.

"Yeah. It did." I chuckled humourlessly.

"How did you escape?" Eren asked .

I'm not going to tell him I killed two people.

"I- uh got lucky. One of my gaurds forgot to lock my cell and I managed to sneak out." I lied guiltily.

Then he did something that surprised me.

He hugged me.

I sat there immobile due to shock for a minute but quickly recovered and allowed my arms to go around him as I hide my face in the crook of his neck.

This is probably really strange but Eren smealt very good. He smelled like spearement and pine trees.

We were still curled up with each other when the lights flicked back on.

Eren slowly pulled of the hug and stared at my hands knowing my cheeks had tear stains on them.

"Hey." Eren said softly lifting my chin up softly with his finger so I met his eyes.

"Its OK." He told me.

Why did I have to fall in love with Eren Jaeger?

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