'After party'

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"Extra Time With Magcon" ended about 15 minutes after it started because Ron went loco and shooed everyone out. We tried to keep Paula but someone called her pass a fake and kicked her out.

Now, we're all sitting on the patio out back of the ballroom, waiting for instructions.

"I say we have an 'after party'. What you think?" Taylor nodded around at everyone.

"Not after what happened last night." Nash spoke for everyone.

"Well what if we just go onto the roof and hang out?" Mahogany looked up from her phone.

"Yeah, we could ask Mandy for some drinks, nothing too strong and chill up there with music?" I suggested.

Everyone was so hard read, so I started to get a nervous feeling in my stomach.

"Not bad newbie." Carter smirked, causing Jack to tense up under me.  I rubbed his arm in reassurance, which calmed him down a bit.

"Mandy wouldn't. She'd be too worried about getting fired." Jacob rolled his eyes and threw himself into the back of his chair.

Mahogany pressed her lips tightly together and crossed her arms. "You don't know that."

"Babe, she started crying because Ron threatened to replace her with the first person who walked in the door. She wouldn't." Jacob got up from his seat and stretched.

"Uhm Jacob, have you ever spoken to her?" I also rose.

"Don't need to. I just have to listen to Ron, and he said no more alcohol and if he catches you guys with it, you are gone." He waved "bye-bye" right in front of my face. We were nearly chest to chest.

"You know what Whitesides? I don't know who you think you are but-"

"But what?  You aren't even apart of this tour. Just Jack's little fuck buddy. Who knows who else you're blowing to get on here. " Jacob pushed on my shoulder.

"Whoa buddy." Johnson stood up, and a rumble of hey's and whoa's spoke.

"At least I got some form of talent." I smirked and folded my arms over my chest. Roars of laughed and ohhhhhhhhh's now came from the group.

"Listen here you little bitch-" Jacob hit the ground with a hard thud.

I swear everything froze. My feet were glued in place, and I could't hear anything. Someone grabbed my shoulders and tried to shake me. "Ashton let's go.." I shook my head.

"No. I-I d-didn't-t mean t-t-to." I stuttered, not even sure if words came out.


Ashton punched Jacob in the face, causing him to knock his head on the plastic table that was behind him. I just stood there as frozen as Ashton.

"Mahogany. Take Ash out of here, like up to your room. We'll have this all sorted out. I'll come up in a bit. Okay?" Jack G held my shoulder and I nodded, taking her hand and pulling her inside.

"I killed him. I can't believe-" She stuttered as we walked in.

"No you didn't babe, but I need you to be quiet please. Until we're alone." I looked around to see if the coast was clear. We quickly ran past the crew and to the main lobby for the elevator.

"Mahogany. I killed him!" Ashton started bawling into my shoulder, making a few people look. I awkwardly smiled and laughed, rubbing her back.

"Quick get in." I half pushed her into the elevator and hit the number 7. She was still crying.

"Ashton. Look at me." I straighten up her shoulders so she was facing me.

"I didn't mean too!" She yelled. I gently shook her.

"He is not dead. Knocked out at most. He will be okay. You are also okay. We are going to the room. Jack is taking care if it." I wiped away her tears and she placed her hand on top of mine.

The door opened and we quickly made it to our room. She sat down on the bed, trying to slow her breathing to normal.

"Here love." I passed her the box of tissues. "Thank you." She wiped her face.

"I can't believe I did that." Ashton smiled and chuckled. "I didn't mean to fuck up your boyfriend's face."

"No worries. He deserved it. Trust me." I returned her smile.

"Well. If you'll excuse me, I gotta redo my face." Ashton stood up, throwing away her now black tissues and went into the bathroom.

"Could I use your-" I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. "Go right ahead! I should touch up mine." I grabbed my make up bag from under the counter and laid everything out. "Thanks babe." Ashton grabbed my make up remover and a washcloth.

We both applied things to our faces, laughed and joked around. I hope she felt better about what happened.

"You think there is too much gloss?" She faced me, lips full of sparkly lip gloss.

"Yes!" I laughed, handing her the washcloth. "No wait." She stopped my hand, moving in closer.

{Bold is Ashton, Italicized is Mahogany}

I leaned in slightly, she didn't move.

Ashton was inches away from me. I held my breath.

I slowly pushed her hips against the counter, stepping even closer

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, pulling her closer.

My arms went around her waist, right above her bum.

This is it.

This is it. We both leaned in pressed our lips together.

Her lips tastes so good.

I am in love with her. I need her.

I slid my tongue through our lips into her mouth.

I pushed myself into her, grinding our hips together. I earned a moan.

I let out a loud moan into her mouth when she pushed herself into me. I felt her smile.

I pulled away, resting our foreheads together as we tried to catch our breaths. We really did that.

{back to Mahogany}

We both panted, foreheads pressed together in the now hot bathroom.

"I am so sorry. I just needed to do that." Ashton's voice trembled.

"I need it." I pressed our lips together one more time and she stepped away.

"So." She turned back around to fix her lips.

"So?" I grabbed my liquid eye liner and started to apply it.

"What do you think?" Ashton smirked at me.

"Looks good. You could put more-" Her laughter cut me off. "No silly. About the kiss."

"Oh." I blushed. "It felt good."

"Well if you liked that, wait it you feel-"

"Hey girls. It's all clearer. You can come out." Jack G knocked.

I quickly kissed her one more time before exiting the bathroom and opening the door.

"Come to Shawn's room. It's the biggest and we'll all talk." I nodded and thanked him.

"Ash okay?" I have never seen Jack look so sad.

"Right here baby." She came out of the bathroom, smoothing out her shirt.

"Alright. Come to Shawn's fairly soon please." Jack walked across the hall to the open door.

"I am ready. Are you?" I closed the door slightly.

Ashton pecked my lips. "I am now." She left and I followed her.

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