How dare she

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Jane and I sat in silence, till Marianna knocked.

"I said you could just come in." I opened the door.

Marianna quietly closed the door and walked into the room more, stepping over clothing, garbage and God knows what else.

"Where'd you go?" Jane asked me.

"I snuck out to see Marie. I met her at the park and we went to our spot, by the beach?" I paused to see if they were paying attention.

I got a nod from Anna so I continued. "She told me she was cheating so we broke up. I started walking and the cops found me. Now I'm here." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry Ashton. Marie was a nice girl." Marianna's attempt at sympathy made me laugh.

"Whatever. I was also seeing Jack on the side." I waved it off. We all sat on the bed, mostly cause none of us knew what to say.

"She wasn't always like this, you know." Marianna broke our little reflecting time thing.

"Who? Sandra?" Jane asked.

She nodded. "My mother was sweet. Very caring."

"Find that hard to believe." I laughed.

"Ash, please." Jane nodded at Anna.

"Thank you. She was always smiling. I remember her helping strangers lots when I was younger. But on my 8th birthday, she came home really late. Drunk and accompanied by some guy. I wasn't sure of what I thought of him, because he looked sweet in an eight year olds eyes. He told me happy birthday and stay down stairs while he shows my mum his present." She closed her eyes, as if she tried fighting tears. "I waited all night. That morning, when they came down, I asked where my present was. They both pushed me off and went into the kitchen to continue drinking. I walked in on something no child should see and Sandy snapped. I've still got the mark on my side where she threw the mug at me and it broke. He changed her."

"Marianna, come here." Jane pulled her in for a hug.

"How dare she." I whispered. I got up and was ready to kill Sandy.

"Ashton! No." She said in between sobs. "No one knows. If I was questioned, it was cause I fell off a tree branch."

"Ashley!" Some one yelled from outside the door.

"It's okay Marianna." Jane comforted her as I went downstairs.

"Hello again. Please sit." Officer Joseph greeted me.

"Has Sandra hit you."

"Yes. Many times. I've got bruises and scars." I lifted my shirt up and over my head to show him the marks.

He stood up and looked at them.

"Oh, well uhm." I realized he was looking at my chest when I turned back around. He was blushing.

My chest was pretty big, for being 15. So I don't blame him.

"Sorry." I put my shirt back on.

"Are there other marks?" He asked, after he lost some redness.

I thought about pulling down my pants, but I remembered I had a thong on and I'd rather not.

"On my legs. Yes and Marianna has a bunch from when she was little. She's one of her real kids. Jane and I aren't. She's fucking my dad, and I'm sure it's not just him. Alec is hers and she claims that he's my little brother but no. The twins, I've got no idea who they're from and this new kid, I just met this morning. This women drinks, does drugs and beats us. For nothing. It's almost as if it's for her pleasure. Please arrest her!" I was standing again and I was really close to his face. "Sorry." I sat back down and dropped my head into my hands.

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