You owe me

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I ran out of the room, down the stairs and into the kitchen were Marianna was writing in her diary.

"Marianna! Look what I found!" I threw the tickets at her.

"Wow Ash! Good job!" She joined me in fangirling.

"Where were they?" Marianna calmed down.

"Tucked behind the light fixture. If Jack and I had never......" I faded out, not wanting my little sister knowing that Jack and I came close to having sex.

"Never?" She looked at me like she was waiting for an answer.

"I tripped and fell on the bed, Jack stood above me and I noticed. Yup." I nodded, it was a okay lie and I knew she wouldn't question it.

"Oh. Well it's great that you found them." Marianna sat back down. I noticed she was holding her stomach.

"You okay? Want something to eat or?" I asked.

"Oh no, I'm fine. Thank you." Marianna never told us when she was sick or hurting. The poor kid dealt with so much and she managed to keep strong.

"Do you wanna talk? I'm all ears." I lifted myself on to the counter.

This is it. I can finally tell Ashton. I can finally come clean.

"Well. Ashton. I kinda found out that -"

"You owe me girl. Look at my face!" Jack came in the room, his right eye looking purple.

"Jack, shut up. What Marianna?" Ashton hit his arm.

I gulped. I didn't want Jack knowing because I'm sure he did already. It was his friend.....

"Oh. Uhm. I found out that I'm finally tall enough to reach the top shelf in the bathroom!" I cheered, hoping she'd buy it.

"Lame. But look babe! It's purple! You owe me. Our little deal? We found the tickets." Jack raised his eyebrows and I could tell by his smirk, he meant sex.

"That's it? You can reach the top shelf?" Ashton looked worried.

I nodded. "Yup. Top shelf. No more stool." I cleaned up my diary and pencils.

"Well, it's late. Goodnight." I rushed upstairs and into my room.

I made sure of the door being locked before I hit the bed crying.

I should have told her. Ashton needs to know.

I grabbed my book and started writing.

I was so close to telling Ashton. She was right there and I couldn't spit out the words. But I'm kind of glad that her boyfriend walked in so I didn't. I know I should but I just can't.

"Marianna please open the door." Ashton spoke quietly.

"Just a second." I closed my book, returned it to it's hiding spot and opened the door.

"Marianna, you've been crying. Was it cause what Jack said? He didn't mean it. He's just angry that I hit him. Please tell me what's going on." I rarely saw Ashton cry, but there was tears in her eyes.

I closed the door and dragged her over to my bed.

"Anna, what's been going on with you? It's safe, no more hiding kay? No one will judge or tell. Please let me in." Ashton begged.

"Ashton. Don't cry." I spoke softy. "But you must promise to never tell. Not even Jane."

She nodded, wiping her eyes.

"About two weeks before Sandy was arrested, Jack, his friends and one of his friend's cousin came over. I took them to where I thought you were, which was that party. I lost Jack and it was too dark for me to walk home." I paused. "I found Sam? That's one of his friends right?"

She nodded. "Sam Wilk."

"His cousin found me and passed me a glass. I thought it was water, but it had a funny taste. He told me to drink it cause it'll taste better."

"He gave you alcohol. I'm going to kill Wilk." Ashton's expression was stern, and stubborn with hints of rage.

"Please don't. But I drank that cup, he passed me another, this one tasted different. Once I finished that one, I asked of him to take me home. I thought we were but he took me upstairs." I fought my tears.

"Marianna, he didn't." Ashton wrapped her arms around me.

"I didn't know what was going on but it felt good. It was a rush that I've never felt good. He was experienced for a 16 year old." I couldn't stop myself. I let them fall.

"And the week after, I felt sick. Thinking nothing of it, I took cold medication." Ashton looked as pale as a ghost.

"You're not pregnant, right?"

I hung my head.

"I'm going to kill Jack. He should have never let you go. He shouldn't have left you. I'm sorry Marianna." Ashton hugged me.

"Ashton. It's not your fault. I was stupid and full of lust. I saw you rebel so much that I just wanted to try it once. I wasn't careful. I was reckless." I took a deep breath. I prayed that she wouldn't kill me, but that she's understand.

"Are you totally, 100% sure that you are?" Was all she said.

"I took a test."

"Show me. Where is it?" Ashton demanded.

I got up and went into my closet. I opened the box that was on the floor and took it out.

"I'm sorry Ashton." I passed her the positive test.

"We'll get through this. I'm going to have a chat with Jack. Excuse me." Ashton got up and went to open the door.

"No Ashton. This is my problem. I'm going to take responsibility." I stopped her.

"Marianna. I'm your legal guardian when Jane's not here and you told me. I'm going to tell Jack." She left my room.

"I'm sorry mum." I closed my door and cried myself to sleep.

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