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"Yeah mum, it was amazing!" I spoke into the phone.

"Oh, it's like almost 3 am I think. I should be getting some sleep. Travel day tomorrow. I'll text you. Night, love you. Say hi to Aaliyah for me."

I hung up after she said goodnight and walked back to my room.

"Mahogany?" The elevator opened to produce a crying girl.

She didn't say anything, just pushed past me and went into her room.

"Where are your pants?" I asked but she slammed the door.

I jumped into the elevator before it closed to see who else was up there.

The group chat messages filled my notifications, asking who's door slammed.

I quickly typed a "not us. Some other guest. I just got off the phone with my parents. Goodnight." and hit send.

Everyone bided their good nights and I slipped my phone back in my pocket.

"Mendes, it's 2:46am. What are you doing up?" Ashton stepped inside.


"She's drunk. We did some things, she wanted more, I said no. Then you saw the rest." Her voice was hushed.

"Do you have her pants?" I pointed at the clothing she held in her arms.

Ashton let out a chuckle. "Yes, her pants, Cameron's sweater, Carter's coat, pretty sure Nash's charger and are these yours?"

"My bracelets!" I thanked her and slid them on to my wrist. "My little sister made these for me before tour. We used to make them a lot together."

"Ah. Nice." She leaned against the wall.

"Want me to take the box?" I pointed at the cardboard box under the items.

"Nah. I look of age. You're only 15 Shawn." She straightened up once the elevator dinged.

"Are you staying in her room or yours?" We stepped out at the same time.

"She has my key, and Jane is asleep. I can go back to the roof and sleep there. I just wanted to bring everything down so you guys can leave at a decent time."

She stopped at my door. "Can I set it in your room?"

"Text Jack. He'll let you stay. If he doesn't answer, you can sleep in my bed." I unlocked the door and quietly stepped inside.

"I don't wanna bother him. If he doesn't get enough sleep when he's been drinking, he gets hit hard with a hangover. Isn't there only two beds and three guys?" She set the box on the vanity.

"Just Aaron here. Jacob and you switched I guess." I smiled as I placed the key ok the desk.

"I don't have anything to wear." She awkwardly leaned against the wall.

"Shawn? Who's there?" Aaron rolled over and asked.

"It's me and Ashton. She's staying her tonight." I opened my suit case and grabbed an old t-shirt. "Do you need pants?"

"Oh Shawn, I can sleep in this-"

"You're wearing skin tight jeans. Do you want shorts or something? I have sweats." I searched my messy bag.

"No, that's okay. Just a shirt will do thanks." She looked at her bare feet.

"Here. There's mouthwash in the bathroom if you'd like." I clicked on the small nightstand lap.

"Thank you. I'll sleep on the couch." She quickly ran to the washroom and changed.

"Would it be wrong if I asked her to sleep with me?" I asked Aaron.

"She's my sister bro. Whatever you want." He pulled the blankets over his head.

I nodded and moved the covers so we could get in.

"Thank you Shawn." Her small figure looked even littler in my shirt.

"You're welcome. Now, come sleep." I patted the bed.

She just nodded and crawled into the bed, staying as far away as possible from me.

"Ashton. You can lay closer." I pulled her by her hip towards the middle.

We both settled into bed and I flicked off the lamp. Our room was silent, other than from our breathing.

"Shawn?" Her voice crocked.
I hummed in response.

"C-can you h-hol-hold me plea-ease?" She stuttered.

I just rolled over and opened my arms. Ashton stuck to me like glue, shoving her face into my bare chest. I could feel her shaking breaths on my skin as if she was crying.

"I messed up." She sobbed.

"Shhh Ashton. Just try to sleep." I stroked her hair. I felt her shiver, so I pulled the blankets up and over us more.

"I messed up." She repeated.

"Just relax." I started to hum quietly as she held me as close as possible.

"Why are you doing this?" Ashton lifted her head and looked in my eyes.

"Because you need it. Now, get some sleep, please?" I kissed her forehead and went back to playing with the ends of her hair.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

I continued humming and slowly rubbed her back. I felt her breathing slow and soon she was out like a light. I tried to slide her over to her side but she just let out a sob so I quickly pulled her back in.

"I love you Jack." She slurred.

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