No I'm straight

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I grabbed Jane and Marianna from the party, and sent them up with Dan.

Jack found me and pulled me close. "I missed you, what happened?" He was laughing and drunk.

"Nothing, I'm going to bed. Night Jack. I'll see you in the morning." I gave him a kiss but he deepened it.

"Jack, no. You're with your friends. I'll see you in the morning." I pushed him back and started walking away.

"Ashton come back." Jack called over the music.

I looked back but my legs kept going and I tripped into someone.

"Oh shit sorry." I looked who was on the floor beside me. "Ma-Mahogany."

She smiled. "It's all good! You okay?"

I stood up. Lord she looked good in that dress.

"Ashton?" She waved her hand in front of my face.

"Yeah I'm good. Sorry, I'm going to go to bed." I stuttered.

"You're staying here?!? You should totally room with me!" She was really bubbly, I couldn't tell if she was drunk.

"Come on Ashton! It'll be fun!" She stretched out the word fun.

"Fine I will. Where's your room?" I gave in.

Mahogany's face light up. "Come with me!" She dragged me towards the door.

"Ashton?" I whipped my head around to see who it was coming from.

"What do you want Taylor?" Mahogany hissed.

"Two girls are leaving together, I had to see what's up." Taylor smirked.

"She's going to room with me!" Mahogany giggled.

Taylor's smirk widened. "Ooh, can I join?"

I was going to hit him. "No." I yelled.

The vibe in the room changed just like that. Lots of people were looking at us. At me.

"But I thought you're bi-"

"No, I'm straight." I lied.

Taylor's smirk disappeared. "Oh, well Aaron said-"

"Don't believe Aaron. He doesn't know me." I snapped.

"Hey babe, what seems to be the problem here?" Jack came to my rescue.

"Going to bed seems like a good idea. We've got a long day tomorrow. I'm going to turn off the music." Mahogany walked over to the stage.

Jack gave me a "you okay?" look. I nodded.

"Hey everyone! Sorry to say, but I've just received word that we gotta shut it down for the night. Please forgive me and drive safe!" Mahogany said over the speakers.

Everyone groaned. "Come on Mahogany!" Someone yelled.

"Nope sorry guys. But you're more than welcome to come back tomorrow night!" She turned off the mic and skipped off the stage.

"Do we have to clean up?" I asked Jack.

"Nah, they'll make us do it tomorrow first thing." He put his arm around me.

"Alright, let's go." Mahogany came back.

We left the room first, so we didn't have to wait.

"Guys." The group all stopped at once. That voice was only one person.

"Hey Ron." Carter laughed.

"Alcohol? Really guys! Who's responsible for this?" He was wearing pj pants, a blue t-shirt, and slippers. As if he just got out of bed.

Everyone looked around at each other. I looked at Jack. He shrugged.

"Me." I raised my hand. The group all looked at me.

"No it wasn't Ash-" Matt started.

"Don't defend her! You're not even on this tour! Why are you here?" Ron yelled at me.

"Whoa Ron. She's our friend." Johnson stepped forward.

"She's a bad influence. I don't wanna see you with these guys ever again, or I'll have you removed. Got it?" Ron completely ignored everyone.

"Yes sir." I sighed, walking away.

"I want this cleaned up by you. We have this room booked for 10 am tomorrow. It must be clean by no later than 9." He told me.

"Everyone else, bed. Now. Sober up. I don't want anymore drinking or your off the tour." I heard his loud voice tell everyone.

I started walking up the stairs, even though my room was on the 5th level. I didn't want Jack to see me cry. I couldn't see him with out getting in trouble. What about tomorrow? Can I go or do I have to stay in the room.

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