The window of opportunity

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Belle had left a few hours ago and in that time I had made supper for the young ones, cleaned the bathroom, my room and all the papers I took out. I also thought of a plan to get into Sandy's room.

The window wasn't huge, but I could easily fit no problem. If it could be opened that is.

"Jack? Are you ready?" I asked. Standing in front of the window that was over the garage.

"Yes Ashton." He came up the stairs and walked to the window.

I opened it and climbed on top of the roof.

"Okay so I'm going to try and open the window. You just keep watch incase someone shows up. Got it?" I explained to him the plan.

"Can I get a kiss, just incase you, fall off and....... You know..... Die?" Jack scratched the back of his neck.

"You're a fool." I gave him quick peck on the lips and walked over to the edge.

Sandy's window was a bit higher off the ground from all the other ones so I had to reach over my head. I could feel how big of a gap it was open (about 6 fingers) and I knew my size.

"Jack, I'm too short." I gave up.

"Really? A 5'3, 15 year old is to short." He laughed.

"Yes and she needs her 5'8, {I'm guessing} 18 year old boy friend to help her." I loved when Jack played hard to get but this wasn't the time.

"Well come help?" I was becoming frustrated with him. Jack stood there on his phone smirking.

"You better be talking to Shawn Mendes or someone real important to not be helping me." I walked over to him and took his phone.

Jack's jaw dropped as I shoved it in my shirt.

"I ain't scared to reach in there babe. I've seen you naked." Jack reached for my chest but I pulled him to the window.

"Lift me." I demanded.

"I don't see why this is such a big deal." Jack's height was just what I needed to lift me to a proper height so I could open it easily.

"I wanna go, okay? And this window is literally my ticket in." I gave it a big push and managed to open it just enough I could fit.

"Got it!" I wiggled in and opened it fully.

"You could say, it's like your window of opportunity." I heard Jack laughing from outside.

"Get in here you dork and help me look. I'll unlock the door." I looked around for the light switch.

Finally finding it, I flicked it on and saw what her room looked like. It was frightening how many pictures she had of me, Jane, my dad, Anna, Alec and many other strangers.

One picture caught my eye as I scanned through them. It was two little girls, in between the ages of 6-8, sitting on steps in front of a house. One girl looked familiar, and so did the house. Isn't that my grandparents house?

I flipped it over and saw the words in neat writing "Sandra and I". Nothing else was written, so I looked at their faces.

*knock knock knock knock*

"Ashton open up!" I dropped the picture, loosing it in the many before me.

"Sorry Jack." I unlocked and opened the door. He was shaking his head as he walked in.

"Damn it Ashton. I was standing out there for five minutes, knocking. Didn't you hear?" Jack raised his voice.

"I'm sorry, I was looking at this." I glanced at the wall that had at least 300 pictures on them.

"Hey that's you. And Jane and ain't that the other girl?" Jack pointed at different pictures.

I stood beside him and studied the photos. A lot of them were of me and Jane, pictures that mum would take and send them to relatives to brag. I removed one picture of Jane, who was about 10 at the time. She was dressed in a pretty light pink dress, with her hair done and even matching shoes. I flipped it.

"My little Janey is growing up!" That was my mothers writing. I remember that day. Jane went out and bought that dress with grandma for her birthday and mum did her hair. She sent it to grandma and a few of my other aunts and uncles.

"Babe? You okay?" Jack asked me. I could feel the tears rolling down my face.

Jack wrapped his arms around me. I shook my head into his chest.

"My mum took these. Most of them." I looked at the last picture in the collage. It was me in my church clothes, at the hospital. The day we went and saw Jane.

"But not this one. This was the day she died. I went and saw Jane later that day. I lashed out on Belle and the doctors." I wiped my eyes, my make up covered my hands.

"I'm sorry Jack. I wasn't expecting this." I looked in the mirror and tired to clean myself up a bit.

"We both didn't know." Jack gave me a small smile. "Now. The tickets." He opened one drawer and started looking.

I did the same with the other dresser, taking out everything and throwing it on to the bed.

"Hey." Jack chuckled and I looked.

He held up lacy pink bra. "Ooh, matching panties." He grabbed them from the drawer.

"Jack focus." I rolled my eyes and continued looking.

"But Ash, how great would this look on you?" You could see the smirk from a mile away that was plastered on that boys face.

"You could wear it tonight, when we, ya know." He winked at me.

God my boyfriend is so horny.

"Find the tickets and I'll think about it." I grabbed the undergarments and put them on the dresser.

I held Jack open drawers, two at a time and search. I was hit by something.

"Jack!" I looked at what it was. It was a nice little black dress that looked like it would look beautiful on Jane.

"Jane and I are so going through her clothes after we find these tickets." I put the dress on top of Jack's outfit of choice for me.

We had gone through all the drawers, looked under the bed and even in the closet. Nothing.

I sighed and flopped on the bed. "It's hopeless."

Jack laid down opposite to me. He looked tired.

"Don't worry babe, well find them." He leaned in and our lips touched.

Normally, I would stop him, but I was to tired too. Jack was now hovering me while we kissed upside down.

He pulled away and I opened my eyes.

"The envelope!" I jumped up, hitting Jack in the face with my hand.

"Shit sorry babe. But look!" I reached up at the light fixture and grabbed the package.

"Is my nose bleeding?" Jack looked in the mirror.

"No, your fine. I didn't hit you that hard." I smiled at his reflection.

I read the envelope.

"Ashley's 16th birthday present"

This was it. My tickets. I could go to Magcon.

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