Chapter One

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Rogue's POV

I was dead. I knew it most intimately. I couldn't move, not even to shift out of this uncomfortable and undignifying position. I could hear Frosch and Lector talking, but they sounded so far away. Sting was around me somewhere, but I couldn't see him with my face pressed down. And then finally, finally the death machine screeched to a stop. I groaned and got off the train seat I had been flopped on.

"Yahoooo!" Sting yelled as he dove off the train. I staggered after him. "I love you so much!" He cried, kissing the ground.

I sat on a bench, trying to let my stomach settle. "I hate those things so much." I groaned, tilting my head back and closing my eyes.

"I absolutely adore you! Muwah! Muwah!"

"Uh, Sting-sama, you're kinda in the way....and you probably shouldn't kiss the's a little gross...."


"You okay now, Rogue?" I opened my eyes and looked down at Frosch, who had climbed onto my lap.

"I'm fine." I said with a smile, rubbing his head.

"Hello, boys." My head snapped up to see Master Makarov, leader if Fairy Tail, standing on the train platform trying not to grin.

"Hello, sir." I replied, standing at attention. I kicked Sting's leg where he was still laying on the platform.

"Ow! What was th-Oh! H-hello, sir!" Sting scrambled up, blushing furiously.

Makarov just laughed. "Don't be embarrassed. I have dragon slayers in my guild. I get how you guys feel about transportation."

"Y-yes sir."

"No need to be so formal either. You're a Guildmaster too, remember?" He grinned and walked away. As we followed him through the streets of Magnolia, I felt more than a little awkward. Casually taking a walk with the Guildmaster of Fairy Tail was not what I had imagined doing, especially after that message he had sent...

"So,uh,sir....why did you call us here?" It had been strange to receive a message from him out of the blue, but it had seemed urgent. Urgent enough for a -gag- train ride.

He sighed. "We've been having a slight...problem with our dragon slayers. I thought you two might be able to help." I was surprised. Gajeel-sama was older than us, wasn't he? It was hard to imagine a dragon issue he wouldn't be experienced about.

"We're here." Makarov announced suddenly. We had stopped in front of a comfortable-looking building made of stone and wood. It was two stories high and had the Fairy Tail emblem on the front door.

"Uh, where's here?" Sting questioned.

"My house." Makarov said calmly. "We tried using the guild, but...well, you'll see." Sting and I glanced at each other and when the door opened, there was an enormous broadsword aimed at our throats.

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