Chapter Two

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Sting's POV

"Gah!" I shrieked. Rogue had gone completely rigid.

"Lily, it's just me. I've brought Sting and Rogue." Makarov explained.

Lily? I blinked. The one aiming the sword at me was a enormous muscular black cat.

"Sorry, Master." He apologized before shrinking into a familiar looking exceed.

"You're Gajeel-sama's cat, aren't you?" Rogue questioned. Oh, yeah. That's why he looked so familiar. He was the one hanging out with the spiky guy.

"Yes, I'm Pantherlily. Master, everyone's inside." He's so tiny! How come his voice is so deep?! We moved past him and opened another door one?

We were in what appeared to be an empty office, but the room smelled very strongly of dragon. Suddenly, a little blue head popped into view from behind the couch.

"O-oh, it's just you Master." Little Wendy sighed in relief. "And Sting-san and Rogue-san, hello." She added when she spotted us.

"Hi there!" I grinned. Little Wendy was cute and she could make the motion sickness go away. She's awesome!

"Hello." Rogue said. "Why were you hiding behind th-"

"Oh, it's just you guys." I jumped and turned to see Natsu crawling out from underneath a table. "We thought you were someone else." He stood up, cracked his back, and started limping over to the couch.

"Uhhhh...." I stood there with my mouth hanging open as people starting appearing around like magic. Like magic? Get it? You're so fricken' punny Sting! A blond man with a lightning scar stood up from behind the desk. Two exceeds flew down from the bookcase, covered in dust and Gajeel face planted out of the closet. Pantherlily came in behind us and shut the door.

"Have a seat boys." Makarov settled at his desk. As Natsu was hogging the couch, Rogue and I got the armchairs near his desk. It made me feel oddly nervous for some reason. Everything was quiet for a second.

"S-so, what did you call us here for exactly?" Rogue asked a little nervously. Makarov just sighed, looking very tired. Actually, they all look really tired. I swiveled in my seat a little to check them all out. Wendy was healing Natsu, who had collapsed face first onto the sofa. The blond guy was leaning against the wall, checking the door every few seconds, making his head jerk from Makarov to the door and back again. It was making me sick just watching him. Pantherlily was also watching the door quite calmly, but he was a big muscle cat again and he had his sword out. The blue exceed was already asleep on a pile of books and it looked like the white one would be joining him shortly. And Gajeel looked.....uh, dead. He was still laying flat on his face.

"Well?" Rogue asked again. I could tell the quiet was getting to him too.

They all answered in unison, if a little muffled. "It's dragon mating season."

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