Author's Note 3

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Hi there! And no, before you ask, I do not have major writer's block and am therefore going to take a break for an undefined period of time. I repeat, I am not putting the story on hold. Well, not for long.

I just need to concentrate on finishing my Levy costume ( should be fun; can't really sew ) and will update probably this weekend. I'll try to add a picture too, if I can figure out how.

To tide you over, I just published a one-shot called A Gender Bent Love Story if you absolutely need to read more things by me. :) I actually do have about half of next chapter written, but one particular scene is very crucial and I want to give it my full attention.

So sorry for those people who get so excited for this update when it's not ( I will admit I'm like this too. ) but I do have a little one-shot for you and I will update sometime this weekend. Promise!

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