Chapter Seven

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Natsu's POV

Sting and Rogue looked shocked.

"No wonder you guys are so tired!" Sting exclaimed.

"And worried." Rogue added with wide eyes. "When you said some members were being affected, I didn't realize you meant-" Suddenly, we heard the front door open and close. We all tensed. Footsteps approached the office door and knocked.

"Master, are you in there? It's Juvia." We all relaxed. Thank Mavis, it's just Juvia. Unless....

"Yes, Juvia, I'm coming."

"Hey." I hissed as Master walked over to the door. "You don't think she's here for Screws-For-Brains, do you?"

"What the hell?" Iron idiot snapped back. "Me and rain woman were never like that! Your brain finally overheat or somethin'?"

"Ooooh, nicknames! Sure nothings going on?"

"I swear, Salamander, I'm gonna.... We went to the same guild and that was her nickname. I didn't make it up. An' besides, she's got her 'Gray-sama'."

"Maybe she had feelin's for you then."

"I think I'd have noticed. I'm not blind."

"Yet you can't see that you've got the hots for Levy."

"I told you already, I don't like Shr-"

"Can I help you, Juvia?" Master interrupted, only opening the door wide enough that his head could poke out, but not wide enough that Juvia would be able to see us in the room.

"Well, many people have questions about two days ago and where the dragon slayers are. Levy-san in particular wants to apologize to Gajeel-san for how she treated him." I shot a knowing look at the Idiot-In-Denial. He glared back with a 'If-we-weren't-possibly-in-deep-shit-right-now-I-would-pound-you' look.

"And also..." Juvia shifted uncomfortably. "A-about Gajeel-kun, Juvia..." I raised my eyebrows at Gajeel and he mouthed 'flaming-moron' back.

"Yes....?" Gramps asked.

"J-Juvia.... Juvia believes Gajeel-kun should be sent away from Fairy Tail right away!"

"What the hell?!" Iron Breath shouted. There was a beat of silence.

"G-Gajeel-kun?!" Juvia stammered.

"Nice going, moron." Laxus sighed.

"Dude, shut up!" I whisper/shouted.

"Um, what's going on?"

Gramps sighed. "You might as well come in now." He opened the door all the way and Juvia cautiously came in. She seemed surprised to see the Sabertooth dragon slayers and looked super guilty when she saw Gajeel's pissed face.

"Juvia is sorry Gajeel-kun, b-but Juvia has a really good reason!"

"Let's hear it." Metal Face growled.

Juvia took a deep breath. "Juvia has noticed that guild people have always acted strange around Gajeel-kun in the spring. In Phantom Lord, Gajeel-kun would be gone almost all the time, but when he was there, there would be lots more fighting than usual. Like...he was spreading competitive vibes or something.... And Juvia... Juvia doesn't want to see Fairy Tail people hurting each other like Phantom Lord people were doing, so Juvia thinks Gajeel-kun should be sent away until later!"

Gajeel looked startled. "You noticed that?"

Juvia gave him an exasperated look. "Juvia is not blind." Iron Idiot scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"So you're not here 'cause of mating season?" I asked.

Juvia looked confused. "Mating season?"

Laxus sighed. "Dragon slayers go through mating season just like dragons do. Since we were on Tenrou Island for seven years, mating season is seven times as bad this time around."

"Is that why everyone acted so strange?" Juvia asked with wide eyes.

"Yes." Said Wendy, peeking over the couch. "We release phero-"

"Wendy-chaaaaaaaaaan!!" Juvia practically dove over the couch in order to get to Wendy.

"Eeeeek!" Wendy cried as Juvia tackle-hugged her.

"Wendy is sooooo kawaii! Kawaii!! Juvia was in full-on 'Gray-sama Mode'.

"Uh, Juvia-san..." Rogue reached out to touch her shoulder and Juvia gave him a fierce glare.

"Looooove Rivaaaaaaaal." Rogue gulped and quickly backed up.

"He's not your damn love rival; can we get back to the problem?!" Gajeel said, annoyed. Juvia promptly started glaring at him.

"Juuuuuvia will never let Looooove Rivaaaaaals take Wendy awaaaaay!"

"Juvia." Master said. Juvia gave a slight gasp and shook her head like she had water in her ear.

"Juvia is sorry. Juvia felt certain Love Rivals would take Wendy-chan away."

"Anyway, dragon slayers release pheromones that attract anyone who had or does have strong feelings for that particular slayer." Laxus finished.

"Hmmmm..." Juvia slowly stroked Wendy's hair. "Juvia wonders if Wendy-chan is also releasing pheromones and that is why Juvia feels like she does when Gray-sama is around." We all look at Gajeel.

"Don't look at me. I told ya everything I know."

"Wendy is a girl, so anything Gajeel knows might not apply to her." Sting commented.

"Obviously, there aren't any female dragon slayers around to ask. Where else could we look?" Rogue asked.

"There is the Magnolia City Library." Lily commented from his spot by the door.

"I don't wanna look there~! It's so big; we could spend hours looking and there might not even be anything!" I groaned.

"Juvia knows!" Juvia said brightly. "Juvia will get Levy-san and Love Rival to help! They are always in there; they would know where it would be."

"Whaaaaa? I don't want the whole guild to know!" I mumbled. "It's embarrassing!"

"We have to tell 'em eventually. They'll probably start figurin' it out anyway. Might as well as warn 'em now, before it gets dangerous." Gajeel grunted.

"I agree with Gajeel-san, but I don't think we can search ourselves if everyone else is helping..... We'll just destroy the library." Wendy added.

"I agree." Laxus and I said in unison.

"So it's all up to you, Juvia." Wendy said, looking up at the water Mage with huge puppy eyes. Juvia squealed.

"You can count on Juvia!" She yelled as she ran out of the house, blowing a kiss to Wendy. The door closed and there was a beat of silence.

"I still wanna know if she'll go after Metal Face." I grumped. Gajeel rolled his eyes at me.

This part was fun. I figured Juvia would notice if Gajeel was causing more fights with his Alpha Male dragon pheromones ( since he's the only dragon slayer there, he would be alpha, right? )
Sorry, but I don't ship them. Gajeel is not attracted to Juvia and Juvia is not attracted to Gajeel; they're just old friends. But Levy doesn't know that! *wink wink* The girls are next!

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