Chapter Twenty-Two

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Levy's POV

"Wh-what did you say?"

"I asked how the hell I got here, Shrimp." Gajeel grumped. I stared at him, searchingly. His eyes were completely red again, except for the slightest hint of purple around his iris. Does he...does he not remember?

"-imp? Hello? Oi!!"

"Eep!" I jumped. "S-sorry, Gajeel-kun, I-"

"Hey, don't yell at Levy!" Jet intervened.

"What's your problem, Spiky?!"

"BOYS!!" I shouted before things could escalate further. "Please." I said more quietly. They reluctantly backed down.

I turned to the dragon slayer. "Sorry, Gajeel-kun, I didn't mean to stare. I was just checking the color of your eyes."


"They're red again, so it looks like you're back to normal."

Jet let out a loud sigh of relief. "Thank Mavis, the worst is over."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Gajeel bristled instantly.

"You dragon slayers almost caused a war!! Natsu nearly ripped off Sting's arm, Freed and Mira destroyed everything within at least a five-block radius, Levy got into a fist fight with Juvia-"

"Shrimp did?!" Gajeel let out a chuckle. "Wish I coulda seen that."

"Lisanna and Lucy attacked each other, Natsu tried to rip Gray's limbs off, and you tried to kill everyone, including me, Droy, Rogue, Bickslow, and Laxus!!" Jet was right up in Gajeel's face, but Gajeel was still just a little taller.

The taller man puffed out his chest and pressed his forehead against Jet's. "It ain't my fault, it's the season! You probably deserved what you got anyway." He threatened lowly.

"Right." Jet said real sarcastically. "It's not your fault, it's never your fault! It's always Natsu's or Gray's or-!"

"IT'S THE DAMN TRUTH!!" Gajeel thundered.

"What did Droy or I do that we deserved near-death?! What the hell did Levy do?!" He jabbed a finger at me.

"Jet!! He didn't hurt me! I mean, he scared me a little, but-!!"

"He's not talkin' about the season anymore." Gajeel growled, glaring at the shorter Mage. "You crossin' that line, Spiky?"

"You bet I am, asshole." Jet glared right back, pressing his forehead and chest against Gajeel. "What the hell did we do to deserve that?! Did you see us as weak? Easy targets? Maybe just opportunity? All three?!"

Gajeel growled. "You little-!"

"Stop it!" I shoved my way between them, pushing my arms straight out. I was so short that my left hand only reached the bottom of Gajeel's ribcage and my right about the middle of Jet's chest.

"Levy, get out of the way." Jet said darkly.

"Let's take this outside, fucker." The slayer matched his tone.

"No, guys, wai-!"

"Enough." I looked up to find Mira standing in the middle of the hallway, her face dead serious and body coated in a dark aura. "First, we all were and are aware of the dangers, and yet we accepted them when we chose to stay. Second, you are both well over the physical and mental age of five-year-olds. Attacking your guild mate when they anger you is NOT okay. Third, the past is the past and it cannot be changed. Whether or not you accept it is up to you, but we are Fairy Tail and we treasure our comrades. If you two can't work together, then stay away from each other, and for Mavis' sake, don't get poor Levy involved in your fight."

Each of the guys backed up a pace, but they were still glaring at each other.

"Now, Jet, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Mira's face was still dead serious, but her voice had lost the darker undertones. Jet reluctantly did as she ordered. Once he was gone, Mira turned to the two of us. "Gajeel, now that you've returned to normal, you can go back to your apartment, but you'll have to stay put there for the next couple days, until mating season is over."

"Fine." Gajeel grunted. He started to walk down the hallway when he suddenly stopped and turned back around. "By the way Shrimp, did you want this back?" He offered out my headband, still wrapped around his hand.

"You, uh...there's actually an injury under that. I didn't...have any bandages or anything, can keep that until you get it properly treated."

"Thanks Tiny." Gajeel sauntered down the hallway and Mira walked after him. I went back into my room and closed the door quietly.

"Why the hell're you followin' me?"

"I'm making sure you idiots don't get into a fight outside."

The voices faded and I walked across my room and entered my little bathroom. Staring at my reflection, I pulled out the ring from where it had slipped into my top. I looked down at it, rubbing the smooth surface gently. He doesn't remember. Plop. He doesn't remember anything. Plop. He doesn't... Plop plop. I let out a hiccup as more tears dripped down my face. I collapsed onto the floor and buried my face in my arms. He-he tried to give my 'special object' back...

A line from the book popped into my head. "If the mate was picked simply as the best candidate of the group and not through any strong emotional connection, the slayer may not feel compelled to, uh, follow through."

"I gu-guess he doesn't care ab-about me that much after a-all." I whispered to myself. I curled up on the floor and just cried, hoping that it would ease the aching in my chest.

S-so, uh... ThankyouforreadingIhopeyouenjoyedBye! *takes off sprinting*

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