Chapter Ten

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Levy's POV

I hate this book. Magic glasses don't always translate handwritten books correctly because they're, well, handwritten. I don't mind translating by hand normally, but this person isn't always the neatest and some runes look very alike. So I have to go slow so I don't mis-translate.
Lu-chan took me to a tea shop to try to give me a break, but when she went to the bathroom, I pulled it back out. Being curious about dragon slayers myself aside, this was one of the few times the guild was depending on me for something, like the time Freed put runes around the guild house.
It was pretty breezy and my hair kept blowing in my face. When a larger gust blew past, it flipped the pages and made me lose my spot. A breeze that smelled like..... Gajeel's cologne? That can't be right. I sniffed the air. It does smell like him! And wait, why do I even know what he smells like?! I turned around and spotted Lily across the street. It wasn't hard because a) he's a flying cat and b) he's carrying three sleeping bags as big as he is.

"Lily?" I called, pushing back my chair and pattering over to him.

"Oh, hello Levy-san." He answered in his deep voice.

"Why do you have sleeping bags?" I ask.

"Um, well..." I hear a strange rustling in the bushes and turn my head to look. "I-it's because Master didn't think his lodging through completely." Lily answered hurriedly.

"Really?" I focused back on him.

He nodded. "Master had to move them in a hurry, so he didn't count the beds available."

"And it probably doesn't help having someone as destructive as Natsu around." I laugh.

He smiled weakly. "So, how's the decoding going?"

"Slowly, but surely." I sigh in exasperation. "It would help if this person was a little more neat. Some runes look very similar and I don't want to mess up."

"I'll take your word for it."

"Levy-chan~!" Lu-chan is standing at our table waving to me.

"Oh, I have to go. Will you please tell Gajeel I'm sorry for hurting him?"

"Of course."

"Thanks!" I call as I trot back over to Lu-chan. "What is it?" I ask.

She grins, holding up a communication lacrima. "Erza said Master is coming to the guild with Wendy."

"Yay!" I exclaim. We pay for our food and rush back to the guild. Along the way, we discuss possible places the dragon slayers could be. Although we have to stay away from them, I want to know where Gajeel is, just in case. As much as I like Jet and Droy, I still miss Gajeel and Lily.

When we arrived, a crowd of girls had already gathered. "Wendy-chan!" We shrieked in unison. We joined the group and cuddled her. She was so CUTE! From her deep blue locks and big sparkly eyes to her cute little dresses and shy demeanor, she was just sooooo KAWAII!

"Girls, if I could have your attention please." Master called. We reluctantly focused on him. "Levy, I know you started working on this yesterday, but I would like to hear anything you've discovered."

"Me too, um, please." Wendy added, looking up with her big eyes.

"Of course~!" I giggled, hugging her. Master cleared his throat. "Sorry, um, let's see... I tried to find information specifically on dragon slayers, so I skipped descriptions of the journey and...." I flipped to the first page I had marked. "Here we go. 'I have discovered the existence of human children of dragons today. These children are called dragon slayers, as their dragon "parents" teach them the closest magic to dragon magic: dragon slayer magic, which is ironic, as that particular brand of magic was originally created to kill dragons. For example, in-' And then it lists historical examples of actual dragon slayers slaying dragons, blah blah blah, 'Returning to the topic at hand, female dragon slayers are far less common than males, an interesting twist, since the actual dragon population is normally around 60 - 70% female. Dragon slayers mirror the actions of the corresponding dragon sex. They-'"

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