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No one's POV

The Fairy Tail guild was back to its normal rambunctious self, celebrating the end of the nightmarish three weeks. Emotions were high as members returned and reunited with their comrades. And yet...the atmosphere had changed, ever so slightly. Fights were less common, as most members were too relieved to be back together to instigate them. Most members, anyway. Going through such difficult situations together had created deeper bonds between everyone, especially among the dragon slayers.

Lucy and Lisanna got along very well, even going on jobs together. Wendy was loved even more by everyone than before. Sting was nearly attacked when he jokingly repeated his offer for the small slayer to join Sabertooth. Gray, surprisingly, was more cordial to Juvia and Juvia was trying to repay him by not freaking out as much. Though, she still had problems if he looked at her too long, complimented her, or heaven forbid, brushed against her. Even Laxus was was more social, and the Thunder Tribe followed his lead, getting along better with everyone.

Despite their reluctance to leave what had become almost an extended family, Sting and Rogue had only stayed long enough to say their goodbyes before traveling back to their own guild. After all, Sabertooth's Guildmaster nearly had an anxiety attack upon seeing the pile of letters for him that had accumulated during his stint on the ship. Gajeel and Natsu, with only some slight pushing, had apologized for their behavior. The Twin Dragon Slayers simply said that they should finish the fight some other time, to which the Fairy Tail members heartily accepted. Lector and Frosch promised to visit the other exceeds and then they were off.

However, the largest change still caused Mira to faint now and then. Gajeel, having kinda sorta confessed to Levy, was now going out with the little bookworm. This development was met mostly with teasing, causing the enormous fight between Gajeel and Natsu the minute the pink-haired slayer walked back into the guild. Normally, Erza would have intervened, but she declared that she much preferred the guild noisy and sat out. That is, until a table knocked over Mira, who was carrying Erza's cake. Master couldn't save the boys from their demonic pursuers, as Gray needed rescuing from a water woman demanding a canon status for Gruvia, nearly drowning him in the process.

However, not all were so happy about the new couple. "Don't worry about him too much, Levy." Lily advised, the pair watching Jet hurriedly leaving the guild. "He just needs time to adjust."

"I know." Levy sighed. "Droy talks to me, but I still....Jet's still my friend and I miss him."

"Don't get all depressed or Gajeel'll have my head. He still hasn't forgiven me for the library thing."

Levy laughed. "I don't think Gajeel really hated what happened all that much. And I know Jet needs time. I just miss him, that's all."

"Oi, Shrimp! Lily! You two ready to go?"

"Of course." Lily answered as the slayer tromped up to them, clutching a request paper in his hand.

"What took so long?" Levy questioned as the trio walked towards the train station.

"Damn barmaid wouldn't stop squealing. Master had ta approve it." The group bought their tickets and settled into their seats, Gajeel already turning green with apprehension.

"Why does this job hafta be so far away?" The slayer groaned.

"I'm going to go get a bucket." Lily declared, exiting their compartment.

"You did pick this job, remember?" Levy teased.

"Yeah, I know. And bein' around Salamander too much must've obviously affected my sanity."

Levy giggled as she rummaged in her shoulder bag. "Ah ha!" She pulled out a blue and gold book. "I did remember you!"

"I know somethin' ya forgot."

"Huh?" Levy felt something cold slip around her throat. "Oh!"

"Between that damn cat, your story, and the whole guild freakin' out, I never got a chance to give this back." The slayer said as the blue-haired girl inspected his ring, which was now back in its proper place around her neck.

"Thank you Gajeel. I'll take good care of it."

"Ya better." Gajeel half-threatened, half-teased. "I'm gonna make another ring that'll fit your tiny finger better, but I ain't gonna give ya that until later. At the proper time." He wiggled his eyebrow studs at her.

"E-eh?!" Levy blushed furiously. Gajeel grinned, then went green, before collapsing onto the seat as the train jerkily began to move.

"Uuuugh..." He groaned. Levy giggled, before pulling his head onto her lap and stroking his long mane. Gajeel shakily reached up and pulled the necklace back out from where his girlfriend had tucked it into her shirt.

"Th-this way, everyone'll know you're mine. An' th-they won't dare come near ya." He explained.

"I don't think you have to worry about that." Lily commented dryly, flying back into the compartment with a bucket he'd borrowed from the train staff. "Mira has been quite excited and her 'OTP Observation Group' is gaining members rather quickly, not just from Fairy Tail. She's actually created a 'Canon Section' and is taking requests for which couple she should work on next. By the way," Lily added, almost as an afterthought. "Frosch and Lector send their congratulations."

Gajeel let out a groan that did not entirely have to do with the train. Levy just let out an embarrassed little chuckle and Lily decided that he had never seen either Mage look quite so happy.

So there you have it, folks. The story is done! Except for the next few chapters...but yeah! Main bulk is done! If you have any questions about why I ended this way or who the woman in the library was, please put them in the comments, as I don't want to make this little author section longer than the chapter. ^^ Also, feel free to just comment down there if you so choose.

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