Chapter Three

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Wendy's POV

"Dragon mating season?" Sting questioned. "You called us out here just for that?"

"I take it you already know what it is then." Master said.

"Of course." Replied Rogue. "Dragon mating season is a period where real dragons try to find their mate. It's about a month long and it's also during that period that our dragon instincts are strongest."

"Rogue is so smart!" Exclaimed the little green and pink exceed.

"No, that's just the basics."

"Yeah, an' we gotta be careful 'cause we get really bad mood swings and destroy stuff." Added Sting.

"There's a little more to it than that." Master said quietly.

"Really?" I asked.

Sting-san turned to me. "Wendy, you didn't know this?"

I shook my head. "No, I was very small when Grandeeny left. I hadn't even heard of it until Natsu-san explained it to me about a week ago."

"Natsu-san taught you about mating season?" Sting-san's exceed said incredulously. What's his name? Luke? Lodge? Something with an L...hmmm. I'll have to ask later. I don't want to be rude...

"Didn't fay anyfing bad." Groaned Natsu from the couch.

"I'm sorry, Natsu-san. I'm almost done."

"No hurry."

"If you please sir, what more is there?" Rogue interjected.

Master looked over at Gajeel, who was still on the floor. I hope he's not injured. I'm not sure I'd have enough energy left to heal him.... "Will you tell them or should I?" Gajeel rolled onto his back.

"I'll do it." He grunted. "S'its like this. Dragons attract potential mates by using pheromone crap. It's a special type of smell that attracts the opposite gender. "

"We know what pheromones are." Rogue said quietly.

"Wendy might not. Flame brain over there definitely doesn't. Any word longer than six letters is too long for him." Gajeel smirked. Natsu hissed and started to get up.

"Lay still!" I pleaded.

"Gajeel, enough." Master scolded.

Gajeel smirked. "Anyway, it also attracts any dragons who've had or has strong feelin's toward that one dragon at any point. The dragon that feels the strongest normally wins th' competition an-"

"Competition?" I squeaked. He opened his eyes and squinted/glared at me upside down. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"S'its fine." He sighed, closing his eyes again. "It's a competition 'cause there's only one guy and dragons don't share."

"Wait, so the girls actually fight each other?!" Sting looked incredulous.

"Sometimes to the death...if they both feel that strongly 'bout him..." Gajeel trailed off. Sting, Rogue, and the L exceed all looked horrified. The pink and green exceed merely looked confused. Natsu-san, Laxus-san, and I all shuddered in unison, trying not to remember the scene from before.....

"Anyway, eventually th' dragon has to give in to his instincts and mates with one of 'em. Then they both live happily ever after." He says sarcastically, letting out a dark chuckle.

"Natsu-san, you're done." I say. He sits up with a groan.

"Thanks, Wendy." He ruffles my hair before flopping back down on the couch.

"What does this have to do with dragon slayers?" Rogue questioned.

"We release pheromones too." Gajeel grumped. "Not as powerful, though. An' we get the mood swings when the dragon instincts try to take over, but this year...." He trailed off and started to growl curse words under his breath.

Thanks to our enhanced hearing, we can all hear him. I blushed. Laxus stirred across the room.

"Watch it metal head. We gotta lady in the room."

Gajeel rolled his eyes, but apologized. "I-It's okay." I mumbled.

"Oo werf sayging?" Grunted Natsu from the couch. Gajeel frowned at him for a second.

"What? What was I...oh...uh...I was sayin' that it normally gets worse the older you get, but this year is gonna be the absolute worse. Even a lil thing like you might be affected."

"M-me?!" I squeaked. "Why?!"

"Tenrou Island." He grunted.


"I see." I turned to the Master, who ha his hands clasped pondering the matter. "We spent seven years there. So there's-"

"Seven years of missed mating seasons to catch up on." Finished Laxus grimly.

"An all ah omce too." Added Natsu.

M-me?! Have a mate?! I looked down as my cheeks started to burn. I shook my head fiercely. N-no, that's silly. I...I'm not old enough. Gajeel-san is wrong!.....I hope....

It's so fun to write as Wendy! She's so KAWAIIII! <3 I know different translations spell Tenrou Island and Grandeeny differently, so I just went with the spellings I saw recently. Could everyone understand Natsu? I worry about little things like that...

Pheromones, yanderes, and lemons. Oh my!Where stories live. Discover now