Chapter Five

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Laxus POV

So it turned out that calling the twin dragon slayers was a complete waste of time. Rogue just suggested what Gramps had already considered: either lock up the dragon slayers somewhere or lock up the mates.

"That's what I was thinking," the old man sighed. "The problem with both of those is keeping either group contained. I would have to stay at the guild with whichever group was loose."

"Dragon slayers are powerful. Could anyone keep us contained for a whole month?" Wendy asked nervously.

"If it's the dragon slayers who're locked up, we'd have to use our strongest members to keep you contained." Gramps sighed.

"Can ya be sure they won't be affected, though? And how the hell would you lock us up?" Gajeel grunted.

"Gajeel-sama has a point. If the instincts are really seven times stronger, that would almost be on par with actual dragon level. Can you control four dragons in human form?" Rogue asked.

"You could use runes. And have the exceeds watch us." Wendy put in.

"Lily's really the only exceed who might be able to take one of us down if we start acting up. Blue cat's useless and fighting....really isn't Charla's thing." I said.

"Why don't you just lock up the guild people who're already affected? They're the mates, right?" Sting's exceed said.

"Until we break 'em out when our instincts kick in." Natsu said gloomily.

"Alright, we're going in circles." The old man rubbed his forehead. We were all quiet for awhile. The scene two days ago had been bad enough....we needed to think of something fast.
"Here's something nobody mentioned." Sting leaned back in his chair. "Just have each dragon slayer pick somebody and mate with 'em."

"WHAT?!" We all shouted in unison.

"Are you insane?!" Natsu hollered. "We can't do that!"

"What's wrong with that?!" Sting retorted indignantly. "If you pick someone, mating season'll end for you, won't it? Just let your instincts do their thing."

"That's called RAPE, you asshole!" Gajeel snarled.

"No, it's n-"

"She only wants ta mate 'cause the fuckin' pheromones are messin' with her head! What're ya gonna do when they wear off?!" Sting and Gajeel were both on their feet, screaming at each other.

"Enough!" Gramps hollered, expanding in size until his head hit the ceiling. Sting and Gajeel slowly returned to their seats. Makarov eyed them for a few minutes before shrinking back down. "Yelling at each other won't solve anything. We need to think. Gajeel, is there any way to limit or get rid completely of the effects of mating season?"

Gajeel shook his head. "'Fraid not. Comes with havin' dragon powers. Ain't no way to get around it."

"I believe I have a solution." Pantherlily spoke up from the doorway. "Am I correct that we can't lock the dragon slayers up because they're too powerful and will therefore escape and we also can't lock the mates up because the dragon slayers will break them out."

"That is the general dilemma, yes." Gramps answered.

"Well, then we simply play to the main weakness of dragon power. Transportation."

"What?! You're gonna put us on a train?!" Natsu gave an unmanly scream.

"I was thinking of a boat actually. You regain power when the train stops and placing seven dragon slayers on a train for a month seems a little unpractical." Natsu turned green.

"Hold on, you're including us in this?!" Sting went white.

"The person best qualified to go up against a dragon slayer is another dragon slayer." The black cat replied with a shrug. The blond dragon slayer looked terrified. Lily rolled his eyes. "We can have Wendy-san cast Troia on you. If you start to get out of hand, all we have to do is stop."

"That's not really comforting...." Rogue mumbled, also looking pale. I shuddered. I didn't get motion sick like the others, but the idea of spending a month being tossed around the sea made me-Urp!-nauseous.

"No! No! Absolutely not! I'm not going anywhere on a floating death machine!" Natsu screeched.

"Enough Natsu!" The old man clapped his hands over his ears.

Natsu growled, his eyes burning and fists smoking. "I'm not going on a boat for a whole month. I don't care what I have to do, but I won't do that."

"Please don't be so melodramatic. I merely meant that putting the dragon slayers onto some form of transportation would keep you under control." Lily said calmly.

"I am under control." Flame Brain growled.

"As long as you can stay in control, we won't put you on a boat." Gramps interceded. Natsu softened slightly. "We'll only put you on lockdown when your instincts kick in. Alright?"

Natsu nodded. I sighed. Wendy gave a chirpy ok. The twin dragon slayers still looked fairly reluctant, but they agreed.

"Two weeks is better than a month, I guess. As long as it keeps earlier from repeatin'...." Gajeel shuddered.

"What happened earlier?" Rogue asked. We all looked at each other.

"I'll tell it." The old man grunted. Then he began to tell the tale.....

Phew! I had such a hard time with  this chapter! I'm trying to tell the story from everyone's point of view, but Laxus was harder than I thought.... Next chapter is the flashback. It was supposed to be short, but as I was writing the draft, it ended up being pretty long...... Enjoooooooooy!

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