Chapter Twenty

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Levy's POV

I stomped down the street, extremely embarrassed with myself. Gajeel followed right behind, easily keeping up with his long legs. As we got closer to the market, the crowd got thicker. We had a slight bubble around us, as no one really wanted to get near Gajeel. However, as we passed near a jewelry store, a man rushed out of it and collided with me, knocking us both to the ground. "Ow! Hey!"

"Watch where you're going, you stupid brat!"

"You ran into me! You should watch you're going, jerk! And I'm not a kid!"

"Listen here, you little-!" He took a step towards me and reached out like he was going to push me. Suddenly, he disappeared. There was a loud crash behind me and I turned to see the man in the middle of a small crater several storefronts behind us. Gajeel growled, standing protectively behind me and was half-turned to stare at him. D-did he just throw...?!

"What the hell was that, you monster?!" Three other men came out of the store.

"You're going to pay for that!" One yelled, whipping out a handgun. Gajeel got down on all fours, arched his back, spread his wings, and roared so loudly that the store windows rattled in their frames. The men let out shrieks of panic and covered their ears. The one with the gun fired a shot, but Gajeel simply swatted the bullet away. It didn't appear to have hurt him, but it did tick him off. Gajeel lunged at them, tackling the trio and biting the gun in half.

"Stop right there monster!!" I was yanked backwards and felt something cold press against my neck. "Move away from my friends and I might not kill your girlfriend here!" It was the same man from before.

"Lemme go, jerkface!!" I started thrashing and he pressed the blade harder into my skin.

"Quiet, you little bitch!!" I saw Gajeel's eyes start glowing a super-bright blue and shadow tendrils began to coil and writhe around him. "Stop whatever the hell you're doing! Now!" Gajeel hissed, pulled himself into a crouch, slid out his talons, and dug them deep into the pavement.

"Open: Gate of the Virgin! Virgo!" The man holding me was thrown off in a blur of pink and black.

"Lu-chan!" I cheered as the blond ran towards us.

"Levy-chan! Are you okay?! What happened?!" She pulled me into a hug before holding me at arm's length to inspect me head-to-toe.

"Well, we were just out to lunch when-"


"Princess! Assistance!" Lu-chan and I spun around to see the Celestial Spirit trying to fend off Gajeel from murdering the first man. He had ahold of one of the man's feet with his tail and was yanking hard while Virgo had ahold of the man's upper leg with one hand and was pulling the opposite way while simultaneously lashing at the dragon slayer.

"Gajeel, let him go!" Gajeel paid no attention whatsoever to Lu-chan's scream.

"Gajeel, stop!!" Gajeel looked up at me with a mutinous expression on his face. "Gajeel, let him go." I said warningly. He didn't move. "Drop him." I ordered him like he was a dog. "Gajeel... Drop him! Now!" He reluctantly released the man, who began swearing and clutching at his leg. "Good. Now come here. Come on." Gajeel backed up to my side, still on all fours, eyeing every move the man made the entire way. When he was next to me, I grabbed ahold of the back of his collar so he wouldn't lunge again.

"Virgo, can you tie these men up?"

"Certainly, Princess." Virgo summoned more chains from the spirit world as Lu-chan turned to me.

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