Chapter Eight

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Erza POV

I was getting worried. It had been two days since anyone had seen Master, the dragon slayers, or the exceeds. Given how some of us acted two days ago, I don't blame some of them for not showing up, but Master should at least be here, right?

I sat at the bar, contemplating the problem while eating some cake. Lucy, Lisanna, and Levy were all sitting quietly together at a table. Some of our members had conducted a mini search, to see if they could find the missing group. Most had returned, empty-handed. It was actually quiet at the guild for once. Normally, I would like it, but it was actually slightly depressing right now.

Just then Juvia skipped -skipped!- into the guild house. "Love Rival~! Levy-san~! Juvia could use some help~!" She sang.

That caught the guild's attention. Both girls shot up at once. "Did you find them?!" They shouted in unison.

"Well, eheheh, yes, but Juvia is not allowed to tell."

"What?" Lucy asked.

"Why not?" Levy looked hurt.

"Juvia is not sure how to say this, but.... Laxus-san said the dragon slayers are going through mating season."

Instant pandemonium. "Whaaaaaat?!" The guild hollered in unison.

"B-but, that means....!" Lucy's face was almost the same color as my hair.

"Be quiet!" I hollered. It was instantly silent. "Juvia," I ordered as I turned to her. "Explain please." Juvia nodded and dutifully repeated what she'd been told.

"So, it could end up affecting all of us?" Mira asked.

Juvia nodded. "The Sabertooth dragon slayers were also there, so they must be working on a plan."

"S-so, what do you need from Lu-chan and I?" Levy asked. Her face was still slightly pink.

"Juvia would like some help searching the library for books on mating season."

I narrowed my eyes. "Why? They have six dragon slayers and five were raised by dragons."

"Gajeel-kun was the only one who knew any details and Master believes Wendy will affect people differently, because Juvia can act normally around Gray-sama when she is around."

"That explains it." Gray muttered.

Juvia spotted him and shrieked. "Juuuuuuvia is soooo sorry, Gray-samaaaaaa! Juvia will stop ignoring yoooooooou!" She grabbed onto his leg and started wailing.

"So, Wendy might be different because she's a girl?" Mira frowned.

"We should check it out just to be safe. I will accompany you three. If there is a threat to our guild, I want to know." I stated firmly.

"I'd....actually like to come too." Lisanna blushed and raised her hand.

"Me too~!" Mira sang.

"I think I'll have to come with you." Gray said. He had managed to detach Juvia from his leg, but she now had a death-grip on his arm.

"Very well. The rest of you," I fixed them with a glare, "Behave!"

"A-aye, madam!" They shivered. The trip from the guild house to the library was uneventful. Juvia had stopped crying ( mostly ) and with her hanging onto his arm, Gray didn't lose his shirt. The rest of his clothes, well...

When we arrived at the library, we were greeted by two familiar fuzzy faces: Lector and Frosch, the latter of whom I swept into a hug.

"Well, hello there! Did Sting and Rogue send you to help?" Lucy asked, bending down slightly.

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