Everything's going to be alright.

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(( this one is about batting depression. It's worth a read but proceed with caution.))

Things may seem like there is no end.
But that's just the rough patches of life.
It happens to the best of us.
The strongest people struggle the most.
There's a saying that the devil attacks Gods strongest children the hardest.
So if you're going though hell,
Just know you'll make it out alive.
So put down the blade,
Put away the pills,
Get rid of the gun.
And pour out the alcohol.
If you end it now, that's just letting the devil win.
He tires to knock you down but don't let him.
He knows you are stronger than him.
That's why he tries to break you down.
You can beat him.
You are strong enough.
You can do it.
I believe in you.
So, stop helping him destroy you and fight back!
It may hurt.
And it will take time.
But in the long run,
You'll be granted eternal happiness.
You'll be at peace.
Real peace.

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