(( hey guys! Sorry I haven't written much recently! School has been hectic and I've been focusing on keeping my grades up. Plus I'm the Vice President of my schools manga club and I've had to help with the planning for each meeting.
Anyways, today's monologue is just something I was thinking about earlier when I realized my 9 month anniversary is in a few days ( the 6th ).
Here's to everyone else who is in a long distance relationship like myself!
Hope you guys enjoy!! ))Long distance relationships are some of the hardest relationships to be in.
You barely get to see the other and sometimes it's hard.
You get lonely and get jealous of other couples around you.
But at the same time, these relationships are the most rewarding.
You learn to value and cherish the time you do spend together.
You get to know the person for who they are rather than their looks.
You have more meaningful talks and learn what really goes on with your lover.These relationships aren't for everyone.
They can easily get very lonely and tragic.
But if you truly do love the person, you learn to not care about the distance.
You learn to truly love them for them.
You learn to have trust and faith in your lover to be loyal.I know this from experience.
I personally have been in both good and bad long distance relationships.
Some have been more difficult than others.My current relationship is a long distance relationship and it's the best I've ever been in.
The person I'm dating is the most stunning person I've ever met both in personality and looks.
They have shown me love that no one else has ever shown me before.
We may only live 2 hours apart but with our busy schedules, we never get to see each other.
I won't lie, it is hard.
There are nights that I want nothing more than to hold them in my arms.
There are days when I just want to talk to them for hours about anything and everything.
When I see happy couples, I end up getting jealous and wishing to be able to do that with the one I love.
It's hard sometimes but I know that when ever we do see each other, it's just that much more special.We've had people tell us that our love is fake.
A fantasy.
But how could something like this be fake?
We have saved each other in more ways than one.
I was a very broken person before we met.
And they admitted that they were to.
Before I was a pushover that thought an abusive relationship was normal.
They opened my eyes and showed me what true love was.
I could never thank them enough.
I went from a dependent, self hating pushover to a confident leader.
And that's all thanks to their love and encouragement.We have been together for 9 months now and it has been the best time of my life.
There are still days when I wish we had a regular relationship,
But at the same time, I'm happy with how things are now.Long distance relationships really aren't for everyone.
But if you're willing to take that chance, you might just find the true love of your life.
It's all a matter of trying for yourself.

Monolouges and Rants
AcakI doubt these will get much attention but this was going to be a place to write out my personal monologues. Some of my topics might be a bit much for certain people so at the beginning of some of the more "intense" monologues, I will put a trigger...