It hurts
It hurts so much to see you go
Having to say goodbye
Unsure of what lies ahead
Not knowing if I'll ever see you again
Watching my best friend leave hurts more than I ever imagined
Losing that person who's always been there for you is hard
Knowing you can't see them anymoreNo more late night talks
No more hanging out just for the hell of it
No more movie nights
No more being togetherSaying goodbye as you board that plane is one of the hardest things
Keeping up a smile when all you want to do is cry
Wanting to wrap them in your arms and never let go
Wanting to scream for them to stayBut, you can't
You know it's for the best.
They're off to a better life while you're stuck in the same place
It's painful.They mean everything to you
They were the one who held you when you cried
Reminded each other to eat
Always had each other's backs
Made you feel loved when everything else felt like it was against you
The person who was always there no matter whatNow, you have to wave goodbye
Even though you can still talk, it's not the same
You can't just go over to their house anymore.
They're hundreds of miles away
And what hurts the most is not knowing if you're friendship will last the distanceIt's scary
The person who knows everything about you fading from your life
Your light in the dark
Your shield
Your boat in the middle of the sea
The one that kept you from ending it
Your best friend
You don't want them to go because you're scared
Scared that this is the end
Afraid this bond will begin to crumble before your eyes
You're scared and there's nothing you can do.
Except hope

Monolouges and Rants
RandomI doubt these will get much attention but this was going to be a place to write out my personal monologues. Some of my topics might be a bit much for certain people so at the beginning of some of the more "intense" monologues, I will put a trigger...