Help me

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(( tigger warning!! This contains subjects of depression, self hate, mental abuse, etc. if topics like this are too much for you, please do not read. Everyone else, proceed reading this with caution.

Ps: the picture was draw by me. ))

I'm breaking down inside.
I can feel the last bits of my sanity slowly fading away.
I'm crumbling.
My walls are falling.
My heart is aching.
My head is pounding.
I'm losing it!
All this mental abuse is driving me crazy.
My own mom makes me seem like the bad guy in her lies.
She lies about me.
Makes up things that are never true.
She over exaggerates everything.
She yells at me constantly.
She makes me feel worthless.
I just can't take it anymore.
She's not the only one doing this.
I hear voices calling me a waste of energy.
And so many other horrible things.
My voices agree with my mom.
It's a miracle I still have some sanity when I hear these words inside my head as well as outside.
It hurts.
It really hurts.
I can't hear my own thoughts anymore.
All I can hear are insults.
They're driving me crazy and I don't know how much more I can take.
I'm scared of letting them win.
I don't want them to beat me.
But I'm on the losing end.
Please help this scared soul.

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