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"What is he talking about?"

She said nothing but look me in the eyes, tears starting to form.

"Sweetheart I-I-"

"Mom don't fucking sugar coat it just tell me what the fuck happened?! What is he talking about?!?"

"I didn't give birth to you. My eggs weren't fertilized meaning I couldn't make a baby even if I wanted one so-"

"Your not my mother", I say weakly. I felt like the whole world had just crashed upon my shoulders.

"DNA or blood doesn't make a family. It's love."

"You lied to me this whole time! Were you even going to tell me?!?"


"Don't you dare call me that. You have no right. Your not my mother nor will you ever be. A real mother wouldn't keep this from there daughter. A real mother wouldn't lie about everything."

Tears stream down my face. Everything I knew of or so I thought I knew was a lie. Was all not real. Was all fake.

I felt destroyed.

I don't know who I am anymore.

Who did I belong to? I could belong to a drug abuser. My genes were there genes.

A stranger.

"I understand that your upset but you do not talk to me like that. I don't care how upset you are. I'm still your mother whether you choose to believe it or not. I-"

"Just save it. It's not going to make a difference. You can say all this shit and it won't change my mind. Your a stranger not a mother. I thought I knew you but I don't. You lie constantly for even a fake mother. Even if you were my real mother, you would have just been horrible like you are now", I spit at her as I turn around and head out the door.

I quickly turn on my car and drive off before my mother-the stranger in my house could get to me.

How could she lie to me that long? Was she ever going to tell me at all? I feel cheated out.

Why didn't Jack say anything to me about it?!! He just stood there listening and watching everything get destroyed. He caused this but it was that strangers fault for not telling me the truth.

Who the hell was I going to go to? My only friend was out on vacation and all my other friends are hanging out somewhere lame. I don't feel like putting on an act saying everything's okay when it's not.

I dropped myself off at the beach, watching the waves crash the surface. I bring my knees to my chest and let the music sink into my soul as my spirt leaves my body.

The endless amount of tears.


Deep shit.


- b ; cool ✨

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