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"25.38", I answer the question.

"Very good Milia", my teacher praises me and I smile.

"Yeah very good Milia", Jack mocks and I just roll my eyes.

It has been a couple days since what happened between Jack and I and we both seem to ignore it but I didn't mind. I didn't really want to dwell on it either. I just wish I wasn't so confused.

I know I didn't hate him anymore. I couldn't. And I was almost certain Jack didn't hate me back. I mean he wouldn't finger and have sexy with a girl he hated. That would just be weird.

I know some people still talk about me but I learned to cope with it. I don't know what me and Jack are but for now I'm just going to go with friends with occasional sexually tendencies. Everything that we did was just some horny teenager stuff. Normal kids do that all the time, right?

"It's funny how everyone thinks your so good meanwhile you were screaming my name in the girls bathroom while I made you come." Jack whispers.

"I am good."

"No you aren't."

"Jack you don't know me."

"But I do."

"Jack we just recently started talking." I remind him reminding myself too.

"And who's fault was that?"

What the hell is his problem?

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"You know very much as well as I do."

"No, I actually don't."

"It's your fault for what happened in the past."

"For what? That we don't talk anymore. Yeah because every time I would trust you, you would just end up hurting me again."

"You are such a wuss."

"No I am not."

"Whatever you'll forgive me and then just end up sucking my dick."

"Stop it Jack. Why are you acting like this?"

I get that he is horney but he didn't have to act such like a jerk.

"I mean you are my sex buddy." He smirked.

"Fuck you Jack."

I can't believe I believed for an actually second he cared about me. God, how stupid can I get?

The bell rings and I quickly gather my things and shove them in my bag heading to my locker. I didn't want to get caught up in traffic considering there were millions of kids driving, trying to get out of the school and I didn't want to be the unlucky one who had to wait an hour just to move up some.

I open up my locker placing the books I didn't need neatly on the shelves that I had added in last semester.

"Yo, Gardner."

I turn my head and smile.

"Are you going to Chelsea's party tonight", my best friend Sam Wilkinson interrupts.

I shake my head, "Um no. I don't really feel like getting drunk or babysitting so I think I'll pass. Plus I don't have anything to wear."

"We can stop by the mall and get you something."

"Sam I said no." I close my locker and start heading out the school to my car.

"Asshole. I just wanted to go with my best friend and loose some weight off my shoulder but no it's fine."

"Sammy." I grab his arm and turn him back around so he's facing me.

Sammy and I met back in middle school and ever since, we've been close. The one thing I've learned about him is he had big family problems. His dad drank to much and mom was a workaholic. I felt so bad for Sam because he didn't deserve to have such crappy parents. It was like they didn't even care about him and that wasn't right. For a while Sam stayed at my home. Just recently he went home and as much as he says things are okay and going good, I don't believe him. I just don't understand why he won't tell me.

I sigh knowing that I was going to regret this deeply. "Alright, I'll go."


Me and Sam walked around the mall for an hour and still didn't find anything and I was really starting not to like this idea. It was like this was a sigh that I shouldn't even be going. After walking around in circles for what seems like the hundredth time, I stop in my tracks and quickly turn away.

"What is it?" Sam questions looking over my shoulder.

"Can I ask you a favor."


"Okay good. You see that guy over there. In the blue with that blondie. Yeah that's Jack Gilinsky and he keeps messing with me. He's about to pass over here so I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend. Now!"

I grab him by his shirt and smash my lips onto his. Sams body tenses up as soon as I kiss him but his arms slowly relax and wrap around my waist keeping me firm in place.

"Milia", Jack coughs standing next to us.

I break away from Sam and look at Jack with a fake smile.

"Oh Jack. Hey. This is my boyfriend Sam." I grab a hold of his arm and inlace our hands. 

"Hey", Sam says awkwardly.

He better not mess this up.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend."

I didn't know I was just some fuck buddy

"We just started dating today so."



There was an awkward silence, neither of us breaking eye contact.

"A-Are you going to the party tonight?" Jack speaks.

"Chelsea's, yeah. That's actually why we are here."

"Well then I guess I'll see you there."

"Yeah. I guess you will. Well bye", I answer, giving him a fake smile and pulling me and Sam away.

I hated him so much.

"I am so sorry I dragged you into this. I'm such a horrible friend. I just couldn't let him get away with being so mean to me. He-"

"It's okay. I don't mind." Sam assures me giving me a small smile.

I sigh. "You're too nice to me."

I'm sorry but- actually I'm not sorry because it what's I don't like and there's nothing to be ashamed about. I hate jadison! but "people" call them cute. Hold up one minute and let me drown myself. Thus this god like picture :-))))

Lmao idk man I think Jack might of read some daddy fanfic and is going through a faze. Cause Madison....boy oh boy....tragic.

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