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Two months ago, when I saw the messy haired tall, greek god like boy walk into my English Literature class, I never thought I would even have a conversation with him.

Let alone be friends and fake dating if you must.

I truly do underestimate myself.

It is 12:53am and here I am, sitting on his kitchen floor wearing his t-shirt and boxers as he sits across from me, eating ice cream out of the tub together as if it was our last meal.

Not that this isn't an amusing situation to be in, but this wasn't exactly how I pictured my Wednesday evening heading.

I was essentially kicked out of my apartment.

Not by the head of the university, but by my two best friends.

Don't get me wrong, I love seeing them finally happy together all thanks to my final push, I might add.

But, I didn't expect to be homeless for a night as the two plan a romantic night together.

Gag factor is at an all time high with the TMI.

So I was kicked out of my apartment. And left to wonder alone.

Not really, but almost.

I asked Nora and Mason if I could crash at there's but, seeing as it's all sunshine and roses for everyone's love life but my own, the two politely declined as they had their own plans.

Just the two of them.

I even asked one of my friend's in my  fashion design class but she was busy with a tonne of overdue assignments on her part so, I felt rude to just butt into her studies.

So.... I was left to my last resort.

Noah freaking Braveheart.

And I get it, I probably sounded completely self centred and ungrateful right now, but you would too if the guy who was suppose to be your  boyfriend 'accidentally' spilt his entire drink on you in the coffee shop the other morning because it was a better comeback to our petty bickering a few minutes before.

But when worse comes to worse, there is always your fake boyfriend's dorm to stay in over night whilst your two best friends are most likely getting it on.

Never thought I would ever say that sentence.

Wish I never did.

"No, really it's fine, I can stay outside in the hall, I have seen it so many times it actually looks quite comfortable! The carpet looks soft-" Noah's face along set me silent as he scoffs towards me.

Without even bothering to answer me, he rolls his eyes and opens his apartment door that he shares with Carter, grabbing my arm and basically tugging me inside.

It goes to show how much Noah and I actually disagree with each other, I would rather sleep outside on the floor than a night alone together.

Who is the real power couple here?

"April! My favourite red head. Found a place to stay?" Mason's  smirk was evident on his face and I tried my hardest not to slap it off with the nearest couch cushion.

"Auburn head!"  I pout.

"Well I would love to stay and have a sleepover with you girls, but I have a date with a hot brunette." I lift my head up as quickly as possible, watching Mason grab his coat from the rack and smirking evidently at a scowling Noah.

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