A Letter to remember

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Lily's Pov
It was early in the morning around 4 or so, I had an idea so I had to do it before I forgot I looked for paper and a pencil. I quietly went back to my room and went to my desk and wrote

"Dear Sean,
Thank you so much, you have been an amazing person and I love you, very much. You are very important to many people all over the world and each and every one of them look up to you, cause you have saved lives and have made people laugh and smile when times were bad. We love you Jack.

Mark, you are my best friend, you have also been an amazing person, you are such a sweetheart and a very talented man. You make people smile and laugh everyday by just being you. Never change Mark. We all love you.

The both if you have saved lives and you have can make people's lives a whole lot better with just one smile.

The both of you are dorks but, you're my dorks. We love you, I love you

Sincerely, Lily :)

I got done with the note, I quietly snuck out to the kitchen and set it on the table. I quickly ran Back to my room knowing that tomorrow was going to be a good day. I got into my bed and looked out the window, I felt like I was being watched. I shrugged it off and fell back asleep.

(Time Skip) Jack's Pov
I woke up as usual around 5:00, did both my videos and edited. I walked out the kitchen, Mark was up on the couch checking his phone, I then seen a note on the table and instantly read it. It made me smile what Lily had wrote for me and Mark "Hey Mark, come check this out" I said. He came over, I handed him the note. As he was reading it, he started smiling, he handed the note back to me "Lily's such a sweetheart" Mark said "yeah, she is" I said smiling to my self.

Lily's Pov
I woke up around 10:30 or so, got dressed and walked out to the kitchen, Jack and Mark were out there, once they noticed me, they both smiled at me "Lily, we uh, we read your note" Jack said. "Yeah, it was very sweet of you, Thank you, we love you" said Mark. "I love you guys too" I said, I walked over and hugged them, this is definitely going to be a letter to remember.

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