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Lily's Pov One Month Later
It was September first, the first day of school. Emily had just dropped me off, I walked through the doors of the highschool. I'm now in 8th grade, I know it crazy right? I stopped by the office to grab my schedule.

Social studies

I eventually found my locker and put in the combination, 43-19-33. I put my stuff in my locker and walked off to my first class.

Jack's Pov
I can't believe Lily's in school already! Kids grow up so fast, next thing I know she'll be graduating highschool.

I also can't believe that the twins can walk already! I'm so proud of all my kids. Sammy and Casey chase each other around the house, but they usually chase me around the house.

Emily was away at work, so I was stuck with the twins. I was sitting on the couch, the twins were sitting next to me. They were giggling about something which made me chuckle "What are you two weirdos giggling about?" I said, which made the twins laugh hysterically. I ended up laughing with them, they're laughs were adorable.

The twins were at the end of the couch so I layed down and put my feet on the twins lap, which made them laugh again. They started touching my feet through my gray socks, it tickled a lot, every time I pulled my feet back, the twins would just laugh and giggle. The twins did eventually stop tickling my feet, so I relaxed a bit, until I heard something from Casey "Boss!" I sat up instantly "What?" Both of the twins pointed at me "Boss!" They both said. I was shocked, I can't believe it, the twins just talked! I took my phone out and recorded what they said, they pointed at me again "Boss!" They said 'Boss' a few more times before I ended the video. I was crying tears of happiness. I can't wait to tell Emily, she'll be as happy as me.

(Time Skip)
It was night time, I just put the twins to sleep, and Lily was already asleep in her room. I heard the front door open and close, I instantly ran out of the twins room and hugged Emily tightly "Hi Sean, did you miss me?"
I broke the hug and kissed her quickly "Emily, you're not going to believe me, C'mon, I want to show you something!"

"Sean, can't this wait til the morning? I did 7 surgeries today, I'm really tired!" I grabbed her hand and brought her to our room, she sat on the bed, while I grabbed my phone out. I brought the video up and let Emily watch this, she was crying, I put my arm around her. She looked at me and smiled, while I put my phone on the charger that was on my nightstand table. Emily hugged me tightly "I love you so much, Sean" she sobbed into my shoulder "I love you too, Emily, not get some sleep sweetheart, you deserve it" she nodded and crawled into her spot. She must be exhausted, she didn't even change into pajamas, she just slept in her clothes, but I didn't mind.

I was about to leave the room, until I heard Emily say my name "Sean" I turned around and faced her "Yes, my love?"

"You're a good father" she smiled, I smiled back "You're a good mother" I walked out of the room. I have to say, I'm very lucky to have my family, I'm a very lucky man.

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