Chapter 16

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You lucky little pandas! I stayed up EXTRA late to publish this chapter for u guys! Even if its only a filler, it is still pretty cool yo.

BE EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! We find out why Niall just left her at the beach! I love you guys!!! C; <3


I wake up and freeze when I feel a hand on my stomach. I then remember,Harry is with me, and relax. Even though I don't want to get up, my stomach tells me otherwise. It grumbles loudly. I sigh and start to roll away from Harry. His grip around my waist tightens, making it impossible for me to get up. "Harry!" I say rolling my eyes.

"Don't leave yet." He says in his raspy morning voice. I nearly faint. "Um... Ok. I guess- uh. I'll stay for a while longer..." I mumble, dumbfounded. I turn to face him and see his messed up curls. His eyes are still closed and his face is relaxed. I find myself staring at him intently. As if feeling my gaze, Harry slowly opens his eyes, revealing glowing green orbs.

"Mmmh." He sighs. The corner of his mouth curves up into a small smirk. "Good morning" He whispers. My lips part slightly and my tongue slides over my dry lips. I hear footsteps coming towards the room and I push Harry off my bed "What the?" He says quietly. Thankfully, some if my blankets had fallen on the ground last night and he landed on them with a quiet thud. "Why-?" He starts.

I push his head back down and tell him to "Sshhh". I lay my head down on my pillow and pretend to be asleep. Seconds later, my door creaks open and Louis pops his head in. "Gabby?" Louis whispers. "Hmmm?" I say, pretending to just have woken up. "Have you seen Hazza?" "Mmmnnnn." I mumble, shaking my head no. Thankfully, Harry stays quiet from behind my bed. "Oh. Ok then." Louis shuts the door behind him and walks back down the stairs.

"Nice." Harry says, grinning and sticking his head up over the bed. "Thanks." I say smiling at him. I push myself up and run my fingers through my hair, attempting to rid myself of my bed hair. I get up and walk out of my room. Usually I am really self conscious about my appearance, but today I feel different. I just, really don't care how I look. I jog down the stairs and see nobody. Their is a note on the counter. I pick it up and read Lous' handwriting.


Ran to the store because Niall ate all

the food.

Liam, Kayla and Zayn went to the park

to play football and I have no clue

where Hazza is.

Be back soon ;)

Xx Louis & El + Potato


I laugh, knowing that 'Potato' means Niall. Then my eyes widen when I realize that Harry and I are alone. As if on cue, Harry stands behind me, holding up my phone. "Gimme that!" I say, reaching for my phone. Just before I grab it, he moves his hand away. "Hazza!" I moan, then slap my hand over my mouth. He grins.

"You called me Hazza." He says with a smirk. "Yeah, yeah." I say rolling my eyes. I take the chance and leap for my phone. I snatch it out of his hand and unlock it. One new message from Kayla. "It buzzed earlier. Oh, and thanks for putting a little heart next to my contact name." He says winking. I roll my eyes and smile, then bring my eyes back down to my phone.


Txt me when you wake up!!!

I wanna meet u at Starbucks! <3

Be a good girl with Harry C;



I glance up at Harry and giggle. "What?" He asks, his eyes staring at me intently. "Oh, nothing" I say with a smile. I notice that he's still in his boxers and my eyes linger on his abs. "Are you checking me out?" He asks with a sly smirk. Jeez. This boy and his smirking. I open my mouth to say no, but then change my mind. "Yes. Yes I am Styles. Got a problem with that?" He chuckles at me being so straight forward. "Not at all."

He shakes his hair wildly and pushes it to the side. "You ass! You know I hate it when you do that!" I joke. It only makes me more attracted to him. Darn him and his sexy hair! And dimples... And eyes... And- oh! You get the point! He smirks at me. "You love it! It turns you on! Don't even lie!" I laugh at him and brush past him, heading for the stairs.

I stop and turn around to see Harry reading the note on the counter. Once he finishes reading it, he turns to me and a giant grin spreads across his face. An evil grin. "Uh oh." I mumble. He leaps toward me and I scream. I sprint up the stairs, into my room and slam the door shut behind me, making sure to lock it. I hear pounding on the other side of the door. "C'mon!" Harry laughs. "C'mon, c'mon, and dance with me baby!" I sing loudly.

I smile and quickly get dressed. I choose a grey, long sleeved shirt, that has a panda on it, then I slip on black skinny jeans and a pair of grey uggs. I brush my hair and throw it up into a bun. I don't bother putting on any makeup. I grab my shoulder bad and peek my head out of my bedroom to see that there is no sign of Harry.

Slowly, I creep down the stairs and to the door, opening it and stepping outside. That was easy. I was expecting Harry to- "Raaaaaaaaaaaa!" Harry jumps out of nowhere, making me scream. "You've GOT to stop doing that!" I say annoyed. I smack his chest and he rolls his eyes at me. Harry is wearing a dark black T- shirt and black skinny jeans. It's pretty warm outside, but not enough for us to get hot.

"So... Can I come?" Harry asks. "You don't even know where I'm going!" "Yeah..." He says slowly. "It's not like I read that text that Kayla sent to you or anything... Cause that would be rude. So I don't even know that you are going to Starbucks to meet her. Nope. I just HAPPEN to want some coffee right now." He says with a straight face. A smirk plays at the corner of his mouth. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Whatever. But Kayla and I need to talk privately, so you need to give us some time alone." "Deal!" He says, hopping into the passenger seat. I get into the drivers seat and text Kayla, letting her know I'm on my way. I slide on my white sunglasses, before starting the car and heading to Starbucks.

Harry puts on his sunglasses too, and rolls down the window, letting in a cool breeze. Wisps of hair fly out of my bun, but I don't mind. I pull into Starbucks, and when I walk in, I see Kayla sitting at a table with Liam. At first, she gives me an apologetic look, but then laughs when she sees Harry trailing behind me. "Hey!" She says smiling. "Hey. Sorry about the extra baggage." I say, jabbing my thumb back at Harry.

"Hey!" He whines. I roll my eyes and sit down across from Kayla. "Ok boys. Be gone." I shoo them away and they find seats across the room from us. We order our drinks then find our seats again. "So. What happened between you and Niall at the beach?" Kayla asks. "I don't know... One minute we were kissing, then the next-" "You were kissing?!?" Kayla says excitedly. "Shhhhh!" "Sorry!" She whispers. "Sorry... Go on."

"Yes, we were. But then, all of a sudden, he just got up and walked away like nothing happened!" "Hmmm... Well... That's weird..." Kayla says. "But I know he must have a reason..." "Yeah... I guess so..." I say sipping my Vanilla bean. I get lost in thought, until Kayla gets my attention. "Hello!? Earth to Gabby!" "Hmm? Sorry. What was that?" "You got a text." "Oh." I dig in my bag and pull out my phone. One new message from Louis.


We are home now!!!

Where r you?

Hurry back so we can have lunch before Niall eats all the food again ;)


I laugh, knowing that if we didn't hurry back, Niall WOULD eat all the food.

"Louis wants us to head back." Harry says, standing behind me. "I know." I reply. I grab my bag and my, almost finished, Vanilla bean and head out the door, to the car. "Where is Zayn?" I ask. "He stopped by a friends house. He should be back at the house by now." Liam says. "Oh. Ok." I say, getting into my car. Kayla gets into the passenger seat and the boys get into the other car and follow us home.

"You know you're going to have to talk to Niall eventually?" Kayla says, more of a fact then a question. "Yeah. I know..." "Are you coming?" Kayla says, climbing out of the car. "Umm... I'll come in a minute, ok?" "Ok." Kayla says. She shuts the car door and walks to the house. I wonder what his reason is. What if... Nah. Niall's not like that... Is he?


Longish chapter for u guys! Damn! I must really love you!!! XD

Comment if u think you know why Niall stopped ;D

Also comment who you ship!!! C;

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