Chapter 20

202 11 3

Long chapter for my lovelies C;

Shout out to my friends:

Liamluverr, Maddy_Douglas13, and Forget_Forgive_Live

Please read their books C;


"Psst!" I groan and roll over. "Wake up!" I feel someone push me, and I roll further, falling off my bed. "I'm up!" I say standing up quickly. "What do you guys want?" I look at the clock and its six in the morning. Kayla and El stand in my room giggling. They hold up makeup bags and nail polish. "The boys are still sleeping!" Kayla says. El leans closer to me. "You in?" "Oh hell yeah!" I giggle, jumping up and down.

We all agree to do Louis first. We quietly sneak into his room and get to work. "Hand me that red lipstick, will ya?" El whispers. I pass it to her and she draws a straight line on his lips. We all giggle and cover our mouths. Once his makeup is done and his nails are zebra print, we move on to the next room. Harry.

"Would you like the honors?" Kayla asks me. "Oh yeah. Defiantly." I smile evilly. "Wow." I say frowning, once we are finished with his makeup. "You know you're ugly when Harry looks better in makeup than you do..." We burst into laughter and Harry stirs. "Shhhh." We all whisper. "And you are NOT ugly." Kayla says. El nods in agreement and I roll my eyes.

"Pink." I say, taking the nail polish and painting his nails. We add white polka dots, then move on to the next room. "Liam next." Kayla says. We head into his room and do him as well. Once we finish with all of the boys, we head down the stairs.

"I'm scared..." I giggle." We all smile at each other. "Let's wake them up!" Kayla says grinning. I run upstairs, grab my phone and run back downstairs. The girls have the speakers ready and I plug them into my phone. "We are SO mean." I say before pressing play. The speakers blast music through the house, and we run around the living room dancing and singing.

"I know ya love me! I know you care! Just shout whenever! And I'll be there!" We scream with the music. We dance around the room in our pajamas and laugh at ourselves. "You want my love! You want my heart! And we will never ever ever be apart!" We hear slamming of doors and cling to each other.

"What the hell is going on down here!?!" Zayn appears at the bottom of the stairs, soon followed by the rest of the boys. We stare at them, trying to keep straight faces. "Don't you look well today." I say, my lip quivering into a smile. The other girls giggle. Zayn runs his hands through his hair and notices the nail polish. "What the?"

They each looked at each other and start laughing once they see what we did to them. Then the laughing ceases when they realized that they might have makeup on as well. They each move, finding a reflective surface and see that they are, indeed, wearing makeup. One by one they stop and stare at us with murderous glares.

Louis shuts off the music and all is silent. The boys surround us and we cling to each other nervously. The boys are good at getting revenge. Louis nods, then all of the boys lunge. I feel hands tighten around my wrist, then my legs are knocked out from under me and lifted. I stare up at Harrys face holding my arms, then stare down at Niall holding my feet.

They carry me out to the backyard and I see Kayla is being held the same way I am by Liam and Zayn. Louis is holding El bridal style. We all squirm, trying to get away, but their strong muscles hold us in place. "No! No! Please!" I screech as the boys make their way over to the swimming pool. The other girls squeal in protest.

"Onnneee! Twwwoooo!" The boys swing me back and forth, ready to throw me in. I gain hight every time they swing me. "No!" I protest one more time. "Three!" They yell together. I feel their hands release and my body sails over the water. I quickly breathe in before landing harshly in the water. The cold stings my skin and I feel myself singing quickly to the bottom.

A sudden jolt makes me gasp and bubbles escape my mouth, floating to the surface of the pool. My head burst with pain and I blink hard. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to remember how to swim, but coming up with nothing because of shock. When I open my eyes again, the water around me is filled with red. Shit. I feel my body move with the current, as someone jumps into the water.

Strong arms wrap around me and pull me out of the water. I hear people talking loudly and asking of I'm ok. Kayla and El come into my view, and I smile at their soaking wet bodies. "Gabs! Can you hear me?" Louis asks, his face full of worry. I nod. "Shit! I'm so sorry Gabby!" Harry apologizes. I reach my hand up to my forehead and wince when I touch the wound.

"It's bleeding a lot. We should take her to the hospital, just in case." Liam says. "No!" I protest. Everybody glances at each other. "Let's at least get her inside." Louis says. They carry me inside, set a towel on the couch and lay me down on it. "Get her a wet rag." Liam orders. "And something to clean out her wound." Niall and Zayn scuttle off obeyingly.

Harry holds my hand tightly, while Louis and Liam inspect my head. "I'm so sorry." Harry whispers. I burst into a fit of giggles and the boys look at me like I'm crazy. "I'm sorry! I just... Can't take you guys seriously with that makeup on." Harry rolls his eyes. "I think she'll be fine." Harry says with a smile. Once Niall and Zayn bring Liam what he needs, he gets to work cleaning my wound.

"Shit! It burns!" I whine. "It's gunna! It's cleaning an open wound!" Liam says. I huff and cross my arms. "Uh-oh. I think the hit on the head increased her sassyness." Harry jokes, making me roll my eyes. Niall and Zayn leave, then come back with their faces makeup-less. I convince the girls to go upstairs and set out dry cloths for me, but Harry refuses to leave my side.

"That should be good." Liam says. Everybody sighs in relief. Liam places a bandage on my forehead and stands up. "Just sit up slowly when you're ready, and try not to walk too fast." "Thanks Liam." I say. "No problem." He walks upstairs and leaves Harry Louis and I alone.

Louis glares at Harry like its somehow all his fault. "Help me upstairs, will ya?" I ask. I slowly sit up, feeling my head spin. The boys help me upstairs, into my room. "Thanks." I say before closing the door and changing into the dry cloths the girls had picked out for me. I slip on a pair of pink skinny jeans, along with a baby yellow blouse. I dry my damp hair as best as I can and twist it into a bun at the nape of my neck.

I then open my door and peek into the hallway. Nobody is there. I tip toe to Harrys door and hope that he's in there. He's not. Oh well. I shrug and walk in, stretching myself out on his bed. My hand skims something cold and I bring it up to my face. His phone.

I remember that girl we had seen the day before, and open up Harrys Twitter account. I look her up and click the follow button. Instantly she tweets back, freaking out and thanking "Harry" for following her. I smile and hear someone at the door. I turn my head and see Harry leaning against the door frame.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asks with a smirk. "Nope." I roll over on his bed to make room for him, and pat the bed. He closes the door, makes his way over to the bed, and stretches out next to me. I set his phone down and meet his eyes. "I really am sorry you know." Harry says. "It wasn't your fault. But I forgive you." I say with a wink. "Good." Harry says smiling.

"I'm tired." I say. "It's only eight. But you should sleep. You DID just crack your head open." I roll my eyes at his over exaggeration, but scoot closer to him. He leans his head down to rest his chin in my hair and his warm hand snakes around to rest on my lower back. I breath in his scent and my eyes slowly shut. Seconds later the darkness takes over, the throbbing in my head finally ceasing.


Hope you enjoyed!!!


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