Chapter 24

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I open my eyes to find Harry snoring softly beside me. My brain relays the eventful night before, and a deep blush creeps into my cheeks. I shift my body, trying to push myself out of Harry's tight grip around my waist.

He groans slightly as I pry his arm away and slip out of bed, but I'm quickly replaced with a pillow. I smile down at my new boyfriends relaxed face. His plump lips part slightly, warm breath escaping, only to be sucked in again.

His soft face is relaxed and his curls are flung wildly around his face. I sigh, enjoying my boyfriends gorgeous features.

The black clock on Harry's bed side table says that it's seven. Jeez! Why am I up this early? My head cocks to the side, sensing something that shouldn't be there. I make my way out of Harry's room and down the hall, my hand hovering over Niall's door handle.

I take a deep breath and twist the nob, pushing open the door. My eyes instantly adjust to the dark room and my eyes widen when I see a girl in Niall's t-shirt dressing in the corner. Niall seems to still be asleep on the bed.

"Oh my gosh!" I slap my hand over my eyes and fumble with the door handle. I end up closing it and tripping over my own feet, just barely catching myself before face planting. "Oh my gosh!" I giggle quietly to myself. Aca-Awkward...

"Gabby?" I hear a voice ask. Kayla comes from around the corner and finds me on the ground giggling like a crazy person. "What the heck?" She looks at me strangely. "There's a girl in Niall's room!" I laugh into my hand. "Really?" She says, her eyes widening curiously. "Wanna see?" I giggle. "Yeah!" She says.

We creep to Niall's door and open it. The girl from earlier stands next to Niall's bed in jeans and her own shirt. Her head snaps up to look at our heads peeking into the bedroom. We instantly pull back and shut the door. "Who is she?" I whisper. "Dunno. We all sort of went home separately last night."

I think for a second. "She's really pretty!" I mumble. "Yeah..." Kayla says, not really knowing how I feel about this situation. "Tee hee! Niall has a girlfriend! I hope she knows she's never going to eat again." Kayla laughs. "Soooooo..... You and Harry, huh?" She says nudging my arm. "I guess so!" I say happily.

"Who all is here?" I ask. "Everybody!" Kayla chuckles. "Guess that means we have to be quiet this morning." I pout. Kayla chuckles at me and takes my hand, leading me downstairs. A figure sleeps quietly on the couch. "Awe! He's so cute when he sleeps!" I giggle. Michaels black hair is wild, frizzing everywhere.

"I'm not cute." He mumbles. "I'm extremely masculine and sexy." He says, not opening his eyes. "Riiiiiiiiiigggghhhht." I say rolling my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me." He orders. I glance at Kayla and she laughs. How did he know? He smiles, his eyes still closed. "Creeper." I mumble, spinning around and making my way into the kitchen.

Footsteps echo down the stairs and I freeze, seeming to guys who it is. "Erm... Hi. I'm Maddy..." The girl says awkwardly. "Gabby." I say shaking her hand. "Oh, I know all about you!" She gushes. "You're Louis' sister. And you're her friend Kayla." She says smiling at Kayla. "Yup." I say, popping the P.

"Um... Sorry you had to see me like that..." She pauses. "I was super drunk last night. Then I woke up next to Niall freaking Horan!" She gasps excitedly. "You didn't... Um..." "Oh of coarse not! We didn't do anything bad!" She gushes, a slight blush creeping into her cheeks. "Well, make yourself welcome." I say with a smile.

With that, I turn around and search through the kitchen, looking for something to eat. "Aww." I pout. "Theres nothing to eat!"

Kayla and Maddy sit at the table talking. "Go have Harry make you something." Kayla suggests, then returns to her conversation with Maddy. Oh yeah! My boyfriend can cook! I beam at Kayla, silently thanking her for her brilliant suggestion. I race up the stairs and creep into Harry's room. Harry lays sprawled out on the bed, breathing softly.

I pull myself up, onto the bed and sit next to Harry. "Harry." I whisper. Nothing. "Harry?" I whisper a little louder. Harry shifts, but does not wake up. I sigh. "Harold Edward Styles! Wake up and make me French Toast!" I say tugging on his hair lightly. He groans and his eyes flutter open, his green orbs meeting my hazel ones.

"Good morning beautiful." He says with a smirk. His dimples spread wide on his cheeks and my heart flutters rapidly. "You hungry love?" He asks, fiddling with my long, straight brown hair. "Yeah. Make me French Toast?" I ask with a hopeful smile. "Of coarse!" He says with a wink. He pushes himself off the bed and changes his shirt.

I watch in fascination at his rippling abs and muscles at work tugging the shirt on. Harry smirks at me, catching me staring, but says nothing. "C'mon." He says with a wink. He takes my hand and pulls me downstairs.

"Mornin'!" Harry says, nodding at Kayla and Maddy at the table. "Morning!" The girls echo. Harry steps into the kitchen and makes his way over to a cabinet. He reaches up, opening it and digging around for the desired item.

I ogle when his shirt rises, showing of his perfect v-line. He comes back down with a chefs hat and grins at me. I can't help but laugh. He places it on his head and says "Let's get to work!"

First we wash our hands, then get all the ingredients out. Harry instructs me, having me crack some eggs into a bowl, then add other ingredients in it. "I though YOU were the chef!" I laugh at him. "I am." He says grinning. "Then how come I'm doing all the work?" I ask playfully raising my eyebrows.

Harry rolls his eyes, then takes off the chef hat and plops it onto my head. The hat slides down, covering my eyes and I giggle, trying to adjust it. "What large head you have!" I laugh, not able to see Harry. He just chuckles and fixes the hat comfortably on my head.

Kayla and Maddy laugh at us and make their way outside. "Alone at last." Harry says, wiggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes and shove the bowl into his arms. "Stir." I order. He obeys. I grab Harry's shoulders and lift myself up, wrapping my arms around Harry's neck and my legs around his waist. He hums while he stirs the mix, and I watch his large hands gripping the wooden spoon.

My chin lightly rests on his shoulder and I breathe in the smell of cinnamon. "It smells good in here!" Harry turns us around to see Niall standing at the kitchen door. "Go away! We're cooking!" I joke. He rolls his eyes, but doesn't move. "Harry. Do your thing." I say.

With one arm still wrapped around Harry's neck, I use the other to place the chef hat back on his head. "Get out of my kitchen!" Harry yells. Niall, Harry and I burst into laughter. "But seriously. Out." Harry says with a wink. Niall raises his hands and exits the kitchen.

"I'm gunna go change, ok?" I whisper in Harry's ear. He frowns. "But. But-" I kiss him on the cheek and hop off of his back. "I'll be right back." I say with a smile. I jog up the stairs and into my room.

Not really caring about what to wear, I throw on a long purple shirt and black leggings. I jog back downstairs, tossing my hair into a bun on the way down. The smell of French toast hits me when I walk into the kitchen and my mouth waters. "Hey!" Harry says when he sees me. He hands me a plate and slides a hot price of French toast onto it.

"You have no freaking idea how much I love you right now." I murmur, staring at my French toast. Harry chuckles as I sit at the table. I drizzle some syrup on and take a big bite. "Oh my yum." I mumble through a mouthful of toast.

"Let me try." Harry says. I cut a piece off and place it in his mouth. "Holy crap, that IS good." I giggle as he rolls his eyes back, into his head. "You're weird." I say laughing. "Good thing you are too." He says with a wink. I stand up and hug him, burying my face into his chest.

When I pull away, I look up at him and he smiles at me. I reach up and take his chef hat, placing it back on my own head. "Get out of my kitchen Styles." I giggle. He tilts his head down and laughs at me. "Never." He whispers. He leans down a little and I stand on my tip toes in order to reach his lips.

"I need you..." I whisper in his ear. "To make me more French toast." I finish. He grabs my waist, and I giggle, trying to run away, but he spins me around. He kisses me on the nose and says "You got it princess." He winks and returns to his post.

I. Freaking. Love. Him...

And his French toast.


Hope you guys liked it ;)

I think they are cute together! <3

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