After a couple of minutes Kayla finds her way back into my room. She notices my frown and sits down beside me. "What's wrong?" She asks. "Well... I think... I think Niall might like me..." I pause not knowing what else to say. "Aaaaannnnd, how is this bad thing?" She asks, sounding confused. I sigh. "First of all, he really only seems like a friend to me, and secondly, I like Harry."
"Hmmmm..." She rests her head on her fist pretending to think, which makes me roll my eyes and giggle. She smiles at me and pulls me off the bed. "Well, you can't just stay cooped up in your room all day, couch potato! "Hey!" I giggle and let her drag me downstairs. "Attention boys!" Kayla shouts. "The party has just arrived!" The boys laugh and Louis walks up to us.
"What were you two talking about up there? Were you talking about me?!" He clasps his hand over his heart and fake gasps. "I'm flattered!" He shouted. "You're weird." Is all I can say. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.
"Am not!" He yells.
"Are too!" I yell back in a fit of giggles.
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Aaahhhhh!" He yells running out the front door. "Kayla! Help!" I yell. "I'm coming!" She yells chasing after me. But before she can get close, Liam comes up from behind her and throws her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Nooooo!" She wails, laughing and pounding Liam's back playfully. "Where to?" Liam asks. "To the fair!" Louis yells pointing his finger upwards. I look back and see the other boys poking their heads out of the door, wondering what all the commotion is.
"C'mon Lou!" I whine. My face hurts! AND it is getting red!" He sighs and puts me down. "Hahaha! Your face IS red!" Louis points at me and laughs. "Louis!" I just have to laugh at him. Liam sits Kayla down and they both blush. Awe! How cute! The rest of the boys join us outside and Louis tells them we are going to the fair. "You were serious about that?" I ask hopefully. "Yes." Louis says smiling.
"Yay!" I yell, running around the yard and feeling too much like Louis' sister. We pile into the car and all chat excitedly about what rides we want to go on. It's pretty late, since we just had the concert. It's almost ten thirty, but we know a fair that stays open all night.
"Go!" I shout, pushing Harry out of the car. "Hey!" He whines as he falls on the ground.
Kayla and I laugh and step over him. He grabs my leg, and I trip, falling right on top of him. We stare at each other, face to face and he smiles at me, his dimples showing,and his eyes sparkling from the fair lights. Oh my gawd. I really want to kiss him, but instead I just smile, push myself off of him, and help him up.
However, once he is up, he doesn't let go of my hand. "Come on!" I say pulling him towards the fair. I don't want to make it obvious that we are holding hands. The rest of the group follows us and Louis pays for all of our wristbands. Kayla walks up to my side and, takes my hand, pulling me to a ride. My hand slips from Harry's and I eye him apologetically.
"Thanks." I whisper to Kayla, once we are far enough away that nobody can hear us. "Yup. That could have been extremely awkward." She says giving me a wink.
We ride some rides and get some cotton candy. "Ooh! I wanna go on the Kamikaze!" I yell excitedly. "Ok!" Kayla yells dragging me towards the ride. We take our seats. "Have you ever been on this ride before? I ask Kayla. "Nope." She replies. "But it looks scary, so it should be fun." Kayla smiles at me. The ride starts and we both scream.
"That was SO fun!" Kayla says once we get off the ride, our legs wobbly. "Gabby!" A voice says from behind me. I turn around and see Harry. "I wanna go on a ride with you." He says smiling. I glance at Kayla and she shrugs. "I'll meet you at the food court when you're done." She says smiling and walks off. "Come on." Harry says taking my hand and steering me to a ride. It looks like we're going towards a tall ride that drops straight down. But at the last second Harry turns and heads towards the Ferris wheel. Typical Harry.
I sigh and let him pull me into a seat. It's just the two of us and the ride slowly climbs its way up, as people are seated. Harry sits right next to me, and puts his arm around me, making me roll my eyes. However, I just lean into his shoulder. I figure if I do that, he won't try anything. Apparently I'm wrong.

Fiksi PenggemarDecisions are hard to make. Unfortunately we have to make them all the time. Gabriella finds herself having to choose between two unique boys. And it doesn't help that they are best friends with her overprotective brother. How does one choose? The h...