Chapter 25

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Sorry for the long wait! finals are coming up! Vote for your favorite book :) And I would like to know your favorite part about my writing! :D


We all finish eating and some of us decide to go to the park together. In the end, Harry, Louis, Michael, El, Luke, and I decide to go. We all pile into the car and Louis drives us to the park.

"Come over here." El says, tugging my arm over to a shady spot under a tree. The boys make their way out into the field with a soccer ball. "So. How do you feel about Niall and his new girlfriend?" El asks me. I sit down with her and shield my eyes from the sun, watching the boys kick the ball around. "I'm happy for him." I say with a smile. "I think we were just meant to be friends. And if he's happy, then I'm happy."

Harry waves at me from across the field and I happily wave back. Little kids run around the playground and I laugh as a little boy chases a little girl. "Well that's good." El says with a smile.

"Damn. They're getting their asses kicked." She mumbles. Her back leans against the tree and I lay on my stomach with my arms propping my head up. "Who?" I ask. "It's Louis and Harry against Luke and Michael. Damn Aussies are good!" She says rubbing her chin. "Hhhmmm... You up for a game?" I ask. "I don't wanna get up..." She groans. "Fine!" I laugh, rolling my eyes and pushing myself up.

I jog over to the boys and they all stare at me. "Can I help the boys out?" I ask, pointing at Harry and Louis. Michael laughs. "Don't know how much you can help them out, but you can try little girl!" He chuckles. I roll my eyes and lightly punch him on the shoulder. I then make my way over to the two other boys and prepare to run. Louis grins at me, knowing how good I am at soccer.

Luke starts off the ball by kicking it towards us. I sprint to make it there before Michael and my foot brushes the ball before his does. "Ha!" I scream, kicking the ball around him. I continue kicking the ball, running as fast as I can towards the net, and I hear the boys running after me.

"Booyah!!!" I shout, kicking the ball hard with my foot. The ball goes sailing through the air and lands in the net. "Wooh!" I yell, jumping up and down. I run to Louis and give him a chest bump. "What now!" I giggle at Michael. "You're better than I thought." He mumbles with a smile. "Damn right I am!" I gush.

After a while, we have twelve to seven. "Face it! We're crushing you!" Louis laughs. "Team British!" I yell. Michael and Luke roll their eyes and I laugh. "Imma take a break. Give the Aussies a chance to catch up." I say with a wink. They all laugh as I run back over to El.

"Wanna swing?" I ask her. "Sure." She says, standing up and walking over to the swings with me. "Haha! I'm going higher than you!" She laughs. I stick my tongue out at her. "Gimme a chance to catch up!" I laugh, pumping my legs harder in order to go higher. "Never!" She laughs, doing the same. "I can see my house from here!" She jokes. I laugh and glance back at the field.

My swing starts going slower and slower. "Oh C'mon!" El laughs at me. "Hey! You didn't just play soccer with four boys!" I laugh. El rolls her eyes, laughing, then slows down with me. Our swings slowly swing back and fourth as we watch the children in the park.

"Oh my gosh!" A girl squeals. She looks about eleven or twelve. "You're Gabby and you're Eleanor! Can I get a picture?" She beams at us and we get off our swings to take a picture with the girl. "Hey!" I whisper to her. "Wanna know a secret?" The girl nods rapidly and I laugh, motioning for her to follow me. "Don't freak out, ok?" I lead her over to the field and she spots the boys.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" She screams, then slaps her hand over her mouth. "Sorry!" She whispers. We all laugh, and the boys see us, then make their way over. The girl looks like she's about to faint, so I offer her my hand, which she takes gratefully and smiles at the boys. "I'm fareeeekin out!" She says, starting to hyperventilate.

"Would you like a hug?" I ask. "Sure!" She says turning to me. I shake my head and point at the boys with a smile. Her eyes widen so I squeeze her hand. I nudge her towards the boys and she hugs them all, excitedly. "Thank you so much!" She says with a smile. "No problem!" We all say. She runs off and we all smile happily.

"Time to go home?" Louis asks. We all agree and head for the car. I slide in the back and Michael slides in next to me. "I have a secret." He whispers in my ear. "And what might that be?" I whisper back. He pauses for a second. "I can't tell you." He says. "Why not?" I pout. "You'll find out sooner or later." He says with a smile. I roll my eyes and lean on his shoulder.

"Soccer's hard!" I moan. "I'm tired!" "Then take a nap!" El says. "Uhg." I lean over and spread myself out across the seats, laying on some boys' laps. My legs are in my own seat, my butt and lower back in Michaels lap, and my head in Harry's lap. "Hey." I say, staring up at Harry. He chuckles at me. "Hey."

"Argh! Your butt is so boney!" Michael complains."Humph." I flip over, so my crotch is on him instead of my butt. Then I realize that wasn't such a good idea. Heat instantly spreads through my body and my muscles tense. I know Michael is having the same feeling. That's only ever happened when Harry and I... How strange...

Why is this happening? Michael's my friend! Nothing more... I think...

"We're home!" Louis shouts. Thank goodness. I awkwardly roll off the boys and slip out of the car. "Gabs!" Michael calls after me. I slow down to allow him to catch up. "I erm... Sorry... I didn't mean to-um-" "It's fine. Really." I say with a smile, trying my absolute hardest not to blush.

Michael rubs the back of his neck, obviously embarrassed also. "Yeah... Ok." Awe! He's so cute when he's embarrassed! Wait. What am I thinking? Harry's my boyfriend. And I'm perfectly happy with him. Plus Michael's my best friend. I could never like him that way... Could I?


So!!! Now we have Habby and Gichael! Which do YOU fancy? P.s- You'll get to know Michael more in the next couple of chapters! Then maybe you'll hanged your mind about Habby ;D

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