Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to my new friend, KaylaScott5 <3 thank you SO much for putting me in your book ;) check out her book Accidentally in love =D


Louis sends me out of the room, most likely to question Niall. I feel super awkward right now. What if he thinks something is going on between us? I sigh and wander around the building. The concert had just gotten over so there is still a lot of fangirls here.

I find my way back to the stage and stand on it, watching the fans either obsess over one direction or clear the building. I sit on the edge of the stage and swing my feet back and fourth. "Omg!" I hear a bunch of girls gasp. I look up to see a group of preppy girls surrounding a single girl.

"You know NOTHING about One Direction! How can you even call yourself a Directioner?!" One of the preppy girls calls out to the girl in the middle. "Because I'm not a stalker." She replies back. "And you don't have to know EVERYTHING about One Direction to be a fan!"

The circle of girls surround her tighter and I decide to intervene. "Hey!" I shout sliding off the stage and walking over to the group. "What the hell! Leave her alone!" I push through the group of girls until I stand in the center along with the other girl. "Thanks." She whispers in my ear. "I'm Kayla."

"Omg!" One of the blond preps squeals. I cover my ears. "You're Gabby! Louis's sister!" The girls squeal and fangirl over me while I roll me eyes. "Move." I say. I take Kayla's arm and drag her away from the preppy girls. I quickly take her hand and sprint onto the stage, through the corridor and into the boys's dressing room, slamming the door shut behind us.

We slide to the ground, panting and in a fit of giggles. "Omg! You saved my life!" Kayla giggled. "I have a habit of doing that." I joke. "I'm Gabby, by the way." "Oh, I know!" We both smile stupidly at each other until we notice that One direction is still in the room. Kayla's eyes widen and she points at the boys. "Umm... Ummm... Uh..." She puts her hand over her mouth.

"Hello love!" Harry says to her, winking. Her eyes widen and she looks at me like she doesn't believe what she's seeing. "Don't even think about it Harold!" I say sternly to Harry.

He goes after EVERY pretty girl, and Kayla is defiantly pretty. She has shining dark brown eyes and her hair is a silky brown with blond highlights. Her body is slender and she has a really pretty face. Harry blushes slightly before walking over to us and helping us both up. Kayla blushes when her hand touches Harry's and I can see her eying Liam.

"Who is this?" Louis asks. Liam takes a step forward, clearly interested. "I'm Kayla." She introduces herself shyly. "I kinda saved her from some fangirls." I smile proudly. "Can we keep her!?" I yell jumping up and down. All of the boys glance around unsurely. "Please! Please! Pleeaaasssee!" I yell running around Louis. All of the other boys shrug and Liam looks at Louis and nods. "I guess so." Louis sighs.

I run over to Kayla and we hug each other and start jumping up and down, squealing. "You guys are going to make me deaf!" Harry complains covering his ears. The truth is, I haven't really had any friends in a long time. I mean, there's always those girls who just want to be my friend because I'm the sister of Louis, but I have always wanted a real friend. Hopefully that's what Kayla will turn out to be.

Kayla and I finally pull apart and I lead her out to the limo, following behind the boys. We see the fangirls that were picking on her earlier and make funny faces at them. We laugh, as they gawk at us, before sliding into the limo.

The whole car ride home, I get to know Kayla a little better, and the boys all find her really interesting too. Turns out she lives with foster parents that didn't want her. She's been saving up for a really long time to buy One Direction tickets, and now that she is here, it's like a dream come true for her.

We arranged to have her stay with us for as long as she wants. "She can stay in my room if she wants." Harry winks at her. "I'd rather swim in a pool of jelly fish." She smirks. "Bro fist." I say and we touch knuckles. I like this girl. I glare at Harry and say "She's staying in MY room." Harry pouts as we all roll our eyes at him.

Once we arrive at home, Louis pulls Niall and I aside. "Don't think I forgot about what happened. We WILL be talking about this later." He says before following the others inside. Niall and I glance at each other before following Louis.

Inside the house, Kayla is already relaxed and hanging out with the boys. I pull her up to my room and shut the door behind me. "Omg! Liam totally likes you!" I say. She blushes and smiles at me. "You really think so?" She asks. "Of coarse! I've hung out with Liam long enough to know when he's crushing on someone!" Her smile gets bigger and we sit on my bed and gossip.

After an hour passes we hear a knock at the door. "Come in!" I say happily. The door opens and Niall peeks in. "Hey." He says nervously glancing at Kayla. "Umm... Can I talk to you alone for a second Gabby?" I turn to Kayla and my eyes plead with her not to leave me alone with Niall. She notices my plead, but smirks at me and says "Of coarse!" She leaves me and Niall alone in my medium sized room.

"Umm... About what happened earlier..." "I'm sorry." I interrupt him. "What?" His baby blue eyes stare at me in confusion. "I didn't mean for Louis to think that anything was going on between us, when there clearly isn't" I laugh. "Oh..." Niall says, looking disappointed. "That's all right" He rubs the back of his neck and I give him a curious look. "Wait... Niall, do you... Do you like me?" He pulls his hand back down to his side and blushes. "Um... No. Why would you think that?" He shuffles his feet and I feel myself blush. "I- um... I don't know. Sorry. I didn't um..." We sit there in awkward silence. "Uh. Ok, well I'm just going to... Go back downstairs..." He awkwardly walks out, closing the door behind him, and I hear him groan and whisper "Stupid. So stupid". Wether he is taking about me or himself, I have no idea.

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