Chapter 18

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A knock at my door brings me back to attention. "Yes?" I say quietly. "The boys and I are heading to the concert for practice. You and the girls will be coming later." I hear Louis say. "Okay." "Are you alright?" He asks softly. "I'm fine." "Ok..." He says unconvinced. "See you there." I hear his footsteps echo down the stairs and I sit quietly.

I wait until I hear the boys leave and the hear the car drive away, then I stand up, take a deep breath and walk down stairs. I find the girls laughing on the couch, and when they see me they stop laughing. "Gabs? What's wrong?" El asks. I collapse on the couch and tell them everything. "Oh my gosh!" Kayla gasps. "You don't think he meant..." "Of coarse he meant sex Kayla !" El exclaims.

"Oh my gosh!" I say, burying my face in my hands. "What am I gunna do!?" I moan. "Just play it cool." Kayla says. "I agree." Says El. "Just act like it never happened." "But it DID happen!" I moan. "Just trust us!" Kayla says nodding her head. "Okay." I say. "I just... Need... Ice cream." Kayla and El laugh loudly at me, making me smile just a tiny bit. "We're watching a movie." El says before walking into the kitchen.

"Marley and me!" I exclaim. "Gabby, you know that always makes you cry." El says from the kitchen. "I know. But I want to watch it." Kayla gets off of the couch and finds the movie. She slides it into the D.V.D player just as El comes in with three huge bowls of Oreo Ice cream. When she hands me a bowl I scoop a huge chunk of Ice cream and eat it, letting it melt in my mouth. "Thank goodness." I mumble through a mouthful of Ice cream. El sits next to us on the couch and plays the movie.


"Poor Marly! That was a horrible movie!" I sob, like I do every time we watch that movie. El and Kayla snivel too. "We should probably start getting ready." El says, wiping the tears off her cheeks. "Yeah." I agree. We put out bowls in the sink and head up to my room.

~~~ 5 minuets later~~~

"I don't know what to wear!" I whine. "You're wearing this." El says. She holds up a black and white dress. The chest is black and the rest is white. The dress is flowy, and short in the front while longer in the back. "I love it!" I say snatching the dress from her hands. I slip it on and it's well fitted to my body. "You don't think it's too... Slutty?" I ask. "No! Not at all!" Both girls say.

I choose a pair of black flats and slip them on. I pull my hair up into a curly bun while the other girls get dressed. "What do you think?" El asks, spinning around the room. Her dress is white and flowery and comes down to just above her knees. It is strapless on one side and on the other it is long sleeved. A look that only she can pull off. "You look gorgeous!" I exclaim, making her smile.

"What about me?" Kayla asks. She comes out in a short-ish red dress with flowers on the chest. "Ow! Hot! Hot!" I say with a wink. She giggles and looks down at her dress. "Hurry guys! We're gunna be late!" We quickly finish our hair and makeup, then get in the car. "Here we go!" El exclaims. The dark of the night creates excitement. We speed and scream to One Direction songs that play on the radio. I know I can rely on my girls for a fun time.


"We're here!" El says parking her car. "Jeez." I say. Crowds of screaming girls are everywhere. We get out of the car an make our way to the front doors of the arena. "Girls!" Paul says when he sees us. He pushes through the crowd and pushes us through. "Ow!" I shout when I feel a sharp nail scrape my arm. Jeez, these girls are crazy. Paul finally gets us inside. "You girls ok?" He asks. "Yeah." I say rubbing my arm.

He leads us through the backstage and we follow him until we reach front row seats. We chatter excitedly until we see the boys run out onto the stage. We scream with the crowd of girls and frantically wave at the boys. However, they don't notice us. They begin to sing and we all belt out their lyrics with them. When they are finished we are all breathing hard. "Thank you all! We love you, and goodnight!" They all say.

Right before they leave, I catch Harrys eye. He smiles and waves at me before following the rest of the boys off. "C'mon!" El says. We follow her backstage and meet the boys there. "How'd we do?" Louis asks. "Amazayn, like always!" El says, kissing Louis on the cheek. "Hahaha! You're weird!" Zayn says. "Don't I know it." El says with a wink. "Food!" I moan, noticing a table full of food. "Niall! You leave some food for me now!" I shout running over to the table. "No!" He pouts, shoving another brownie in his mouth. I don't know how we are even acting normal after what happened... But I like it.

"Niall James Horan! You better not eat that last brownie!" He snatches it off the plate and runs around to the other side of the couch. "Give it here!" I yell chasing him. "I refuuuuuse!!!" He screams. Everyone laughs at us. I finally reach out and snatch his shirt, stopping him. "Ha!" He laughs. He shoves the last brownie into his mouth. I snivel and make my bottom lip quiver. "Waaaaaaahhhhh!" I fake cry.

I throw myself onto the ground and throw a fit. "Gabs!" Louis laughs at me. "She's definitely the sister of Louis!" Harry laughs. "Yes. Yes she is." Louis says proudly. "I'm sorry Gabby!" Niall says crouching down beside me. "Go away! I will never forgive you!" I say rolling away from him. His face turns sad and I can't stand it. "Help me up." I say to Niall. He does as he's told. "I forgive you. But you WILL make me breakfast tomorrow." "I can't cook!" Niall says. "Fine. A sandwich then." I say. "Deal."

"If you guys are quite done, we have a party to go to. It's Ed's birthday." El says. "Wooh! Partayyy!!!" Kayla says. Liam smiles at her and takes her hand. "Okie. Lets go!" I say. "Ok. Wait... I have to talk to Paul really fast... I forgot. Be right back." Louis says. He runs off and everyone starts chatting. "Follow me." Harry whispers in my ear. He heads down a hallway and I follow him eagerly. He leads me up a flight of stairs and out a door.

"Wow!" I gasp. I look down from the top of the roof. Thousands of fans are everywhere and there are flashing and shining lights. "This is amazing!" I say. The sky is clear and you can see the stars. I shiver lightly at the chill and Harry takes off his jacket. "It's fine Harry, I'm not that cold." He wraps his jacket around me and smiles. "Thanks." I say, looking out at the view to avoid meeting his gaze.

"Gabby... I- well I... I think..." "Spit it out Styles." I tease. "I think you're beautiful." He blurts out. The atmosphere is silent, Harry waiting for a reply, and me not really knowing what to say. Finally, I speak my feelings.

"Just kiss me you dork." Harry beams at me, his dimples growing bigger by the minuet. His eyes sparkle like the stars and he slowly leans in to meet my lips. My body fills with warmth and I never want to let him go.

Well... It's official. I'm in love with Harry Styles.


Hope you guys enjoyed this longer-ish chapter!!! Love you all! <3

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