Chapter 30

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Sorry for the long wait guys! I had a bit of writers block. :/ But here's a long chapter for you guys ;)


"O.m.g. This is sooooo cute!" El exclaims. I glance up at the black ruffle dress she's holding in front of her and nod. "Oh, c'mon Gabs! Your no fun!" She hangs the dress back up on the rack and stares at me. "Sorry." I mumble. "Look, I know this is hard for you and all, but it really shouldn't be. You'll know who you're supposed to be with soon enough. But don't pout about it. It won't get you anywhere."

I stick my tongue out at her and she smiles. "That's my girl. Now! How cute is this dress?" She asks, holding up a purple dress. I giggle and roll my eyes. "It's cute." I say with a smile. "Good. Try it on." She tosses me the dress and pushes me into a changing room. "Uhg."

"Try it oooonnnn!" She sings. I strip off my cloths and slip into the dress. It's really flowy and comes down to just below me knees. There is one strap on my left shoulder, and the other is bare. I walk out of the dressing room and see El smiling in approval. "It looks gorgeous on you!" She exclaims. I smile and do a little twirl.

"That dress looks good on you." A voice says from behind me. I turn around and see a boy with short blond hair and blue eyes. "Erm... Thanks..." I say. The boy makes his way over to me and smiles. El suddenly becomes fascinated with the shirts on the other side of the store, where Kayla and Maddy are. She walks over to them, leaving me alone with this stranger.

"My name's Kevin." I laugh escapes my mouth and he looks at me confused. "Sorry. Family joke... My names Gabby." My mind wanders off, thinking about Kevin the pigeon. He shakes my hand and looks me up and down, his eyes lingering a little too long on my chest.

"Do you mind???" An angry voice says from behind him. I peek around his tall frame to see Michael. He walks up and takes my hand. "This is my girlfriend. Stop staring at her like she's something to eat." He growls. "Sorry man! I didn't know!" Kevin says, raising his hands in defeat. "Well, now you do." Michael says, pulling me away from Him.

"Thanks..." I mumble. Michael stops and stares at me. His eyes change from anger to sorrow. "I'm sorry. I think I over reacted a little." "No. It's fine." I say with a smile. His mouth curves into a smile and I find myself starring at his pink lips.

"You... Might wanna get changed." He says softly. "Right." My eyes meet his and I hug him tightly, burying my face in his chest. He hugs me back and we stay silent, not really knowing what to say. "Why are you here?" I finally break the silence. "Louis said he wasn't kidding about wanting new underwear. He said El would actually bring him back a thong if he didn't send someone else..." He chuckles, pressing his lips together.

"Oh. Ok. Well... I'll go change, while you get the underwear, and I'll meet you back here?" "Yeah. Sounds good." He says with a smile. I make my way back to the dressing rooms and slouch on the wall. I was so close to kissing him. Argh. This sucks.


I quickly change out of the dress, and back into my normal cloths. El insists on buying me the purple dress, so I oblige. "Where are we meeting Mikey?" El asks, searching around the mall with the girls and I. "I don't really know." I say, staring at a chocolate store. "Wanna go in?" She asks. "Yeah, sure."

I walk into the store, my eyes scanning over the different sweets, and the girls do the same. We decide to bring back some caramel apples, so we buy two boxes filled with twelve apples, and carry them out. On our way out we see heads poking around the corner. "What the?" The heads disappear and we look at each other, very confused. El rolls her eyes. "Paparazzi." She mumbles. "Oh."

We walk around the store, looking into the windows and searching for Michael. "Oooh! Lets go in this store!" El walks into another dress store. "Noooooo! I hate this store! It's so boring!" I whine. "Fine, party pooper. Lets go." We start to walk out of the store when a One Direction song comes on.

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