Dean Imagine

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You were scared. How could you not be? Freaky black-eyed bitches were following you around everywhere! You were lucky enough to escape them for the first few days or so. You always seemed to be running now. Always trying to escape this thing called 'destiny'.
You have never seen anything like this before. The most action you've ever seen anything close to this was when you beat up some duche on the street for trying to rob you! And everything seemed to revolve around that little tattoo on the inside of your wrist that read 'Dean Winchester'. In fact many black-eyed bitches have mentioned his name, saying you would be how they found him. But you yourself didn't even know where he was.
As you were walking down a side-walk towards a dinner, you couldn't help but to notice a man following you. You could see him from the corner of your eyes. He was dressed in all black, with a hood covering his head so you couldn't tell who he was. You were seriously about to stab somebody. What's up with these losers?
When you arrive at the dinner, it is nearly empty. Considering how late it is, it makes sense. You sat down at an empty booth and ordered your meal.
Just as you were about to start eating, however, you were grabbed. You felt a huge pain on the back of your head and then... Darkness.
When you awoke you couldn't see anything. The only light was from a candle, which was on top of a table about 5 feet away. You could tell you were strapped into a chair, and that there were no windows or exits available. 'Just great. Right when I want some damn pie too!' You thought. Honestly, could this get any worse?
"Aren't you just a cutie." A deep-ish voice spoke. You squinted your eyes only to be blinded when a light comes on from above you. You watch as a man walks toward you, tall-ish with brown shaggy hair... And black eyes.
"You black-eyed bitches can't seem to get enough of me! I mean you've been following me around for a week or so by now. What's next? Monsters crawling out of my closet?" You spoke sarcastically, rolling your eyes at the black-eyed weirdo.
"Actually, we just need you dead. Then Dean Winchester will have to now what happened when his soulmates name is burned off of his arm." The black-eyed bitch said.
He wasn't lying though. When your soulmate dies, or gets hurt close to death, you automatically get their location in your brain, and until you see them again their name in your wrist burns like a hot iron rod. And if they die, your tattoo just fades into white. Bleaching your skin. You can't say this hasn't happened before..
Just as you were going to throw back a snarky comment, the black-eyed bitch pulled out a knife that was on some sort of table. He dragged the knife down your thigh, cutting into the skin. You couldn't help but scream. The pain was awful, terrible more like it. But it didn't stop there.
The black-eyed bitch continued this. He cut you all over, leaving cuts that varied in size and depth. Some you could tell just by the feeling that they needed stitches. Blood was pouring out of you like a river, and honestly you didn't know if you could last much longer. Your voice already being hoarse from screaming in agony. You were already fading in and out of consciousness.
Just when you thought you couldn't hang in any longer you felt a warmth travel through your body. One that could only mean your soulmate was close by. You lazily lifted your eyelids to see that the tattoo on your wrist was glowing. Your soulmate was defiantly close by.
You watched as a man walked in with a really cool looking knife in his hand. The black-eyed bitch that had been torturing was quick to turn as he heard the sound of a door opening.
The man, with what you could tell, was gorgeous. Even with his jacket on, you could tell he was muscular. His face was rugged and aged, but in a mature way. One that said he knew what he was doing. He was on the taller size and- holy hell was that tattoo on his wrist glowing?!
"Hey, are you okay?" The man asked after he stabbed the black-eyed thing. He rushed over and un-strapped you from the chair, catching you as you fall forward.
As soon as his skin touched yours you felt a flame rush through your body. Your veins seemed to turn to ice and your blood ran hot. The little tattoo on your wrist now had an infinity sign around the name of your soulmate. The name of Dean Winchester. Then you blacked out.

When you did wake up, you couldn't move. Lucky as you are though, you could hear someone.
"Is she okay? I mean, what If she's not? What if I was to late, Sam! What am I supposed to do?!" That was obviously Deans voice. You could easily tell he was close to losing it.
"Dean, she's fine. You patched her up yourself. She just needs time to heal." 'Sam' spoke up.
You tried with every fiber in your being to just open your eyes. And you were very surprised when your (e/c) eyes were met with beautiful apple green ones.
You didn't even think twice as you gently pulled his head down to kiss him. And you loved it when he kisses back just as much.
I honestly don't know what happend. My brain just decided to say 'fuck it' but I feel like this is at least a 3/10. And that's all it needs to be.
So don't be afraid to request and stuff! I'd really love to do them!
I don't know what else to say and I'm bored so I guess that's cool.
I'm going now.. I LOVE YALL.. okay bye.
~Crowleys_Pup (But meh name is Sam)

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