So I was actually tagged (*o*)

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 FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVERRRRRR- I was actually tagged like holy shit.. I was tagged by Cas_fangirl_14, so go check them out or somethin c: 

ANYWHO here are da question thingys..

#1. Favorite Author?

Oddly enough, I don't have one. I just read the books with the coolest summary or that my librarian recommends.

#2. Favorite Supernatural creature?


#3. Favorite ice-cream flavor?


#4. 5 things you couldn't live without?

Pizza; Gatorade; Fandoms; Supernatural; The entire Supernatural cast

#5. Favorite dessert?

Chocolate covered strawberries are pretty chill.

#6. Last song you listened to?

Im actually listening to House of Gold by tøp right now.

#7. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?

Bottom of the ocean, maybe then i'll find a fucking mermaid (like damn where you be hidin at my hoes.)

#8. What's your favorite emoji?

  🐙 ... this mofo chill asf. 

#9. What's your favorite word?


#10. What's the closest thing to you that's blue?

My writing notebook 

#11. Favorite Disney movie?


#12. Twitter or Facebook?

Eh, tumblr

#13. Nicknames?

I go by Sam, but thats a nickname. There's also Merley, Short Stuff, Half Pint, and some i cant even remember anymore.

Now im supposed to tag some peeps to also do this, but that'd only work if I had friends so I can't really do that.. Anyway anyone feel free to do one yourself, you can say i tagged you if ya want because im tagging everyone who reads this! (and because im a lazy shit, these are the same questions)

#1. Favorite Author?

#2. Favorite Supernatural creature?

#3. Favorite ice-cream flavor?

#4. 5 thing you couldn't live without?

#5. Favorite dessert?

#6. Last song you listened to?

#7. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?

#8. What's your favorite emoji?

#9. What's your favorite word?

#10. What's the closest thing to you that's blue?

#11. Favorite Disney movie?

#12. Twitter or Facebook?

#13. Nicknames?

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