When/How You Meet (preference 1)

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Warning: Language.. I think that's all.

You were waiting inside of a bakery for the baker to put out more pies. The guy before you ended up buying the last one. The apple-green eyed man just walked in and smirked when he saw you. You both ended up talking and eating pie together, although you each had your own pie. Nobody was willing to share.
And yes, you found out what his name was. Dean Winchester.
You were in the library trying to reach a book from the top shelf. Normally you would say 'screw it' and find a new book, but you've been wanting this book for a long time.
Next thing you know, a very tall moose looking man reaches the book with ease and gives it to you.
"I'm Sam." He told you with a smile.
You were walking through the park. It was fall so you had on a light coat because of the chill in the air, but other than that the day was nice.
As you were walking along a random guy appears out of thin air, well at least it seems like it, and he comes up to you.
"Do you know where God is?" He asked with a very serious facial expression.
"Well I heard he was in heaven." You replied with a slightly confused head tilt.
"No, he isn't. That's why I'm looking for him." The man replied.
"Oh, check the churches, he is usually there." You had sarcasm lacing your voice.
Just as you were going to tell the man he needed help, he was gone. You didn't even get his name..
You were walking along the road, a crossroads to be exact, when you tripped.
"I would sale my soul if I could just get some damn luck!" You yelled out to nobody in particular.
"Well, that can be arranged." A random guy, who appeared out of nowhere tells you in a Scottish accent.
"What the hell.." You mumbled to yourself, "Where the fuck did you come from?" You ask, but shake your head in a way that said 'never mind' "On second thought, don't answer that."
You continued walking, ignoring him.
"So about that soul-" The mysterious man continued until you cut him off.
"Fuck off."
With that you continued to walk on, the man seemingly disappeared.
You were the bartender at some lousy strip club for the night because your friend couldn't make it. You have already been hit on plenty of times as the night went on and you would always tell whoever hit on you that the strippers were over to the left, and everytime they went to the strippers.
"Well, hello there sweets." Said a honey blonde man who just walked in.
"Strippers to the left." Was all you said as you served somebody a beer.
"I don't want a stripper, I want you. Call me sometime." With that the man vanished and their was a piece of paper in your hand, that had a phone number on it.
"Y'know humans are stupid." You say to yourself as you start walking home from college."They are stupid, mean, vile things that need some damn discipline in their lives." You continued to mumble as you walked on.
As you were mumbling, in your own world, you didn't notice the man in front of you and ended up bumping into him.
"Oh, sorry." You say clearly as you looked at him.
"Yeah, yeah." The man replied as he rolled his eyes.
"Oh my god! Why can't you just say 'it's okay'? Why do freaking humans have to be so rude!" You yell at him.
He gave you a smirk as he put his hand out for you to shake. "Hello, I'm Lucifer."
Charlie: (I really wanted to add her. She is awesome)
You were at a comic-con when you noticed a very beautiful red-head showing a few newbies where everything was. You just kinda awkwardly stared at her for a few moments before actually walking up to her, after the group had left.
"H-hi I'm (y/n)!" You said happily, yet shyly.
"I'm Charlie!" The red-head beauty said happily as she shook your hand.
The both of you ended up enjoying the con together, and even planned on going out for coffee later... Score!

So? Whatcha think? I know Charlie's, and Deans was short, but I couldn't really think of anything for them.. Anywho I hope you enjoyed~ Bia!

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