Crowley Imagine

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'Shit, fuck, gosh darn, son of a bitch!' Those were the only thoughts running through your head. You were just to,d that some demons had it out for you, of course you being the Queen of Hell denied that and continued on with life. Except you can't exactly deny that now because a bunch of demons are currently chasing after you.
You were running through the woods, you have no clue where you are. You just know that running is the only way that you are going to stay alive. You thought about calling your brothers, Dean and Sam Winchester, but you didn't want them to rub it in your face 'I told you so'. And you were just on bad terms with the angel, Castiel. Apparently pouring glitter on an Angel and telling them that they sparkle brighter than the sun is 'rude and stupid'.
Just as you thought you were going to get away, you heard a growling sound in the distance behind you. You didn't dare to look back, knowing what was already there. Apparently these demons had some hellhounds with them. Or your going extremely crazy. Option 1 seems more likely.
With your new discovery you only proceeded to run faster, not slowing to catch your breath at all. Your lungs burned as if you just took them out of your chest and threw them into a fire. Your legs ached as if you just ran a marathon, which you technically have. Except this marathon was nonstop or stop and die.
You don't know how much longer you can continue to run. You stopped hearing the demons minutes ago. Yet the pounding of paws and lots of snarls and growls kept you running. You, and your amazing luck, ended up tripping over a root sticking up from the earth from one of the many trees surrounding you.
You could hear them circling around you. Their snarls and growls grew louder as they slowly closed in on your fallen form. You could see their paws leaving marks in the ground, even with only the stars and the moon in the sky. Just as you were about to start kicking, because of you were going down, it would be with a fight, you heard a slightly distant voice yell out 'Sick'em boy!'.
Right after that you hear growling in front of you, but the notice was facing away from you, telling you that this hellhound was protecting you. Just as an invisible fight started happening in front of you, you were zapped of. Curtsy of Crowely, of course.
"Darling, didn't I say something about calling when you needed help?" Crowley asked you in his scottish accent with a hard look in his eyes.
You looked down, not being able to keep his hard gaze. "I didn't want to seem weak. I'm the Queen of Hell. I should be able to handle those kinds of situations."
Crowley looked at you with a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "Love, you will never be weak in my eyes." He told you as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you towards him for a hug.
You gladly excepted his embrace, snuggling your head into his chest. You pulled back slightly, only to give him a quick kiss before continuing what you were doing.
"Cuddles?" You asked him with a smile gracing your features.
"Yes, Love. Cuddles."
Five minutes later you and your king were in a master bed, surrounded by various blankets and pillows cuddling. Talking about whatever you wanted, with a few kisses every now and again. You don't know what would happen if you were without your Crowley.
I don't know what happened. I wanted something fluffy and Crowley was the only character I could think of. But technically this is two updates in one day, so that's good! (I don't care if it's actually 12:15 AM)
~Crowleys_Pup (SAM!)

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