Worry Wart. (Soulless!Sam x Fem!Reader)

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Request Prompt: Can you please do one where Sam is soulless and only cares for the female reader? So he becomes reeeeeally protective? Is that to much? I totally understand if you dont want to do it! 😀

I may have, well, went overboard. Not smut, but adult themes sorta. Sam is prolly ooc in this ;^;


"You can't just tell me i'm not allowed to go hunting!" You exclaim as you continue to pack your bag regardless.

Sam grunts angrily, "I can, I have, and I just did." He bouts out, glaring at your form.

You ignore him, angry that he thinks he can dictate such a thing. Picking up your packed bag, you take it to the living room of the bunker before going to the library. Though you have all your guns and clothes in your bag, you have to find a certain book for Dean before you can just leave.

"(Y/n), you need to listen to me." Sam says, his voice low and a deathly calm.

"You need to mind your own business." You growl out, searching through the shelves.

"Sam, (Y/n)'s right, you can't just tell them what to do. You never have, let's not start now." Dean easily slips into the conversation, after coming into the library to help you look.

"Fuck you." Sam tells Dean before looking over you.

Dean sighs, rolling his eyes. That's all he ever gets told by Sam, so it doesn't exactly come as a major surprise.

Yet, there Sam is, worrying over you. The hunt is pretty dangerous, yeah, but Sam knows he and Dean can easily manage for themselves. And since Sam knows this, he's not allowing you to just mosey off with them if it heightens the chances of you getting hurt.

"Sam, I am going. That is final." You finally say, tired of the pointless arguing. "It is only some demons, nothing I haven't ganked before. I understand the worry, but I'm fine."

Nobody else really says anything, other than bickering between Sam and Dean, but that's usual. You finally find the book, and with the book in hand you walk to your bag, grabbing it, before walking out to the Impala.

You sit in the back, sighing as you sit down. Nothing has even happened really and you're already stressed out.

Eventually, everyone is in the car, and Dean starts driving to wherever you need to be.

As he drives, you couldn't help but be a little happy. Before everything happened, and Sam lost his soul, you harbored an immense crush for the tall nerd. Even now, you can't say it's went away. However, it still annoys you how much he tries to dictate what you do. You call it being overprotective honestly. You can handle yourself, he should know that.


After arriving to the destination, some old barn in the middle of seemingly nowhere, everyone simply gets out and gets ready. Everyone gets their guns in their holsters, their knives and anything else they could need.

Just before you all go towards the building, Dean reaches over and hugs you. It's nothing new, he's always treated you with affection. As you smile happily and hug back, you choose to ignore as Sam growls under his breath.

Well, until he literally picks you up.

"C'mon, (Y/n). I'll keep you covered, let's go." Sam says, easily dragging you with him by gently holding your hand.

You were about to complain, but decide it's pointless. You simply follow his lead, having your gun in one hand and Sam's own hand in the other.

When entering the building, everything is calm, and quiet. Almost like the place really was abandoned. As Dean meets up with you guy's, he orders for you and Sam to stay together, as he goes off in his own direction. Nobody voices a complaint (aside from a very sassy remark from Sam), and all goes well.

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