Gabriel One-Shot

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You self harm. You are depressed, but you were getting better, truly. You had Gabriel with you, he made things better. He promised you that whenever you were feeling depressed and needed to talk, he'd be there, so you wouldn't have to hurt yourself. And it always worked. You've been clean for 2 months now, which is amazing. But what if you told him you needed to talk, and he was stressed and ended up yelling at you instead?
  You stare at the blade in your hand, telling yourself you will not do it. You will not make another cut. Not that you've made one, you've been clean for 2 months by now. Your inner demons, however, think the cut would fit along nicely on your clear skin.
'You don't deserve this life, even if it is fucked up.' Your demons told you. 'And you certainly don't deserve Gabriel.' They continued to taunt you.
  "I'm fine. I'm strong." You say to yourself, trying to believe it.
  Though you should believe it. You just can't see how amazing you are, you focus to much on your 'flaws'.
  'You're fat, you look like a pig, why the hell are you still here?' Your inner demons screeched at you.
  "I'm pretty, Gabriel says I'm perfect." You say to yourself.
  You sitting in the corner of your room, rocking yourself. If someone was to come in they'd think you were mental probably, but this is how you deal with it. You don't want to go to Gabriel everytime, you need to rely on yourself sometimes too.
  'Yeah, and Gabriel's a trickster. You know what tricksters do? They lie!'
  By now you had tears pooling in your eyes, slowly starting to flow down your cheeks, leaving streaks from the wetness of them.
  Your brain mustn't have wanted you to get better, because it started replaying things people have said to you. The mean, vile, cruel things. The ones that make you wonder what the hell happened to humanity.
  'It's your fault you dumb bitch! You're mama could be alive if you weren't such a whore and left for the night!' That's the first horrible thing your father said to you, after he started drinking. Your mom had died in a car accident, driving you home from (favorite sport) practice. Apparently to him, it was your fault.
  'Geeky? More like, slutty~' The popular kids always were bitches..
  'You actually have a boyfriend?! I didn't know people were into pigs around here..' Ah, you're sister told you that, when you wanted her to meet Gabriel. Of course Gabriel didn't hear this, she whispered it to you. She was the same as your dad, blaming you for your moms death.
  You show your head hard, trying to make these thoughts leave. You stand up and walk to the kitchen, where Gabriel is, after you drop the blade in the bathroom that's in your room.
"Gabe?" You ask softly.
"Yes?" Gabriel says a little tensely through gritted teeth. He notices the tears streaming down your face and sighs while running a hand through his hair. "Again?!" He exclaims, causing you to look at your feet.
"S-sorry.." You manage to whisper out.
"(Y/N), I'm busy now, go find somebody else to deal with this." Gabriel tells you, as if it didn't matter.
"But y-you promised-" You are very surprised when Gabriel cuts you off.
"I told you I'm busy!" Gabriel yells, causing you to rush back to your bathroom and lock the door.
After the door is locked you lean your back against it and slowly slide down till your sitting on the floor. Tears continue to poor down your cheeks as your thoughts are invaded once again, begging you to make one little slice in your skin.
You look at the blade that's on the floor, inches for you, just in your reach. And you do just that. You reach for the blade, loving the chill it sends through your fingers. You hold the blade in your hand, while looking at your other wrist. You slowly drag the blade across your skin, splitting it.
As soon as the blood starting pooling around the cut and dripping down your arm and fingers, your inner demons finally shut up. You are to focused on the numbness you feel, to even think. Your pulled from your personal high as pounding knocks start on your locked door.
"Sweetie? Babe, you in there? I'm so so so so sorry, please babe, open the door.." Gabriel tells you, and you can plainly hear the sincerity in his voice, but you didn't open the door.
Gabe kept telling how he was sorry, and how he wants you to open the door, but you ignored him and made a couple more cuts. Well, it felt like a couple.
Soon enough, you hear a ringing in your ears, your vision starts blotting, and then... Darkness.

When you finally woke up, you are laying in your bed. Gabriel was holding your hand and mumbling apologies after apologies. You notice your cuts having been healed, no scars to prove they were ever even there.
"I forgive you." You tell Gabriel in a quiet voice, still feeling some-what tired.
Gabriel is shocked to hear your voice and quickly pounces on you, so he's straddling you. Gabe kisses all over your face, still saying sorry after each kiss, and travels down your neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, and hands. He pulls you up and hugs you tight, as if he won't ever let go again. You bring your arms up and hug him back.
Gabe rolls over so he's laying on his side, and pulls you into his chest in a protective embrace. You cuddle up to him, relishing in his warmth.
"I'm so sorry, baby girl. I've had a lot going on with the apocalypse and-" you silence him this time, kissing his lips gently.
"It's okay just.." You thought for a moment. "You owe me 5,000 cuddle hours."
"Whatever you need." Gabriel whispers as he kisses you again.
Gabe didn't let go of you the entire night, almost the entire next day. And anytime you ever needed him he was there before you spoke, he kept in toon with your thoughts. You got better, too, with the help of your angel.

*falls down three flights of stairs* IM OKAY! Seriously though, if you ever, ever, ever, feel like this, talk to someone. Hell, talk to me! Im known for being a good listener!
The main reason I'm posting again to day is because I'm going through somethings and I feel like writing, so that kinda good.
Anyway thanks for reading, love ya!

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